Having Trouble Finding our Facebook Live Streams?

Some folks have let us know that they have trouble finding our Facebook Live Streams. Well, here’s an easy way: Just click on this link:  https://www.facebook.com/TheFount.Church/live/  There you will see all past live videos, as well as any upcoming scheduled live videos. Keep the link handy (make it a “Favorite” so...

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Hymnals Available for Online Worship

If you don’t have a hymnal at home and would like one, we have a bunch in the Prayer Room at The Fount. If you have a key, come on down any time and pick one up from the book shelf in the Prayer Room (not the Sanctuary). If you...

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The Fount Now Has a YouTube Channel!

In the present crisis, your church staff is scurrying to find ways to connect with the church family and the community (indeed, the whole world!). As a part of that, we have created a YouTube channel for posting (and eventually going live) The Fount ministries! You’ll find the channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEb72O6nJC90UoWr0m9P45A/...

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Tune in to The Fount!

Now that we are having to stay home (most of us) and feel disconnected from our church family, we want to encourage you to get on Facebook and “Like” The Fount’s Facebook page, and then watch for announcements of upcoming live broadcasts from The Fount. Here are just a few...

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Attendance Jump by Nearly 10x!

Our first all-online worship experience at The Fount yielded phenomenal results! There were (as of this writing, because people can watch it even after it was aired live) 455 views and 475 people reached on the Facebook Live stream alone. An additional 4 households listened to the service via Zoom!...

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This Sunday is UMCOR Sunday!

This is an extraordinary season of waiting. Our normal activities are suspended. Grocery stores are out of hand sanitizer. Restaurants are closed. Worship is being offered online by churches, including The Fount. Perhaps you are anxious about community, your health or the health of loved ones. Or how you will...

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Join Us for Worship from the Comfort of Your Home!

We are planning on offering worship through the marvel of technology this Sunday and for the foreseeable future. This email will provide you with the information you need to log in either on a computer, cell phone or regular phone. The service will be live streamed on our Facebook page....

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Office Closed But We Are Still Working

In compliance with Governor Newsom’s direction to restrict interactions with others, Our office will remain closed until further notice. We will be actively working to keep church members updated via email, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. We will also be answering and returning phone calls made to the office.  Though we...

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These are Unprecedented Times

Dear Family of The Fount, We are in unprecedented times, to be sure. Never before in my lifetime has our civilization been so impacted so quickly and potentially for such a long period of time than now. Even “9/11” was impactful, to be sure, but things returned to relative normalcy...

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Messy Church, No. Knights of Agon, YES!

Messy Church will not meet as long as social distancing is in place. Our Knights of  Agon gaming ministry is in full swing and will continue to meet online on Fridays from 6-8pm.  Last week was the first all online meeting and it was great!  Have your children or grandchildren...

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