Message Lay Leader, Ted Smith will preach “Jesus, Both Fully Divine and Fully Human” from Hebrews 1:13, Hebrews 2:17 & Philippians 2:6-8 Worship with us at 9am In-person OR on Facebook Live, HERE Music Christina will lead worship: Holy Forever, Living Hope & I Speak Jesus Christina will also sing the offertory: “Sound Mind“ Our hymns will be:...
Sunday Worship Info – October 6th
~World Communion Sunday~ Message Pastor Jennifer will preach “Life Altering Grace” The final sermon in a three-part Grace series Romans 2:4 & Romans 5:1-8 Worship with us at 9am In-person OR on Facebook Live, HERE Music Christina will lead worship: You Keep on Getting Better, King of Kings & I Worship You Almighty God Hannah will present the offertory: God is...
The Fount Account – Getting to Know Your Pastor
Dear Family of Christ at The Fount, I wanted to say hello and share again how honored I am to be called by God to be your Pastor in this season. You have been warm and kind to me and my family. Thank you! I pray that as we get...
Sunday Worship Info – September 29th
Message Theodore “Ted” Smith will preach “Saving Grace” The 2nd in a three-part Grace series Psalm 103:10-12 & Romans 5:1-8 Worship with us at 9am In-person OR on Facebook Live, HERE Music Christina will lead worship: Set Free, What He’s Done & Goddness of God Trevor will lead the choir offertory: And Can it Be? Our...
Farewell Lunch for Trevor
Trevor’s music ministry has been a blessing to The Fount for over six years. Stay after church on Sunday for a light lunch and to let Trevor know how much his musical gifts have been appreciated and will be missed. Be sure to be in church for his final choir...
Sunday Worship Info – September 22nd
Message Pastor Jennifer will preach “Preceding Grace” The first of a three-part Grace series John 6:44 & Romans 5:1-8 Worship with us at 9am In-person OR on Facebook Live, HERE Music Christina will lead worship: Here I Am To Worship, What A Beautiful Name It Is, & I Surrender Our hymns will be: #365 Grace Greater...
Introducing…Pastor Jennifer Burns
Rev. Jennifer Burns is a passionate follower of Christ who longs for more people to experience his transformative love. She has a BA in Psychology from Ohio Wesleyan University and an MDiv from Wesley Theological Seminary specializing in Emerging Ministries. She became an Ordained Elder in...
Sunday Worship Info – September 15th
~Introduction of New Pastor~ Message Our new pastor will preach “The Leven of Love” Matthew 13:33-35 & Luke 15:3-7 Worship with us at 9am In-person OR on Facebook Live, HERE Music Trevor will lead the hymns and the choir offertory “Then Sings My Soul” ~Stay after the servcie to meet our new pastor~ Church Council Meeting Following Pastor Meet...
Meet Our New Pastor Sunday
Last night our SPRC met the incoming pastor who will be introduced on Sunday. The meeting went well and as much as we would like to share a name right now, the pastor needs time to inform a current congregation that they will be sharing their pastor with another congregation. Since the other...
The Fount Account – Back to the Basics
Wasn’t Sunday’s service fantastic! Due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to pivot a few times, but in the end, we pulled off a meaningful, authentically Wesleyan service. We pulled together as a church and as a staff, filling in where needed and gracefully letting go of our expectations...