Greetings from Pastor and Mrs. Mugabi

Hello church! We greet you in the name of Jesus Christ, we hope you’re fine, we thank the Lord who is protecting you in this epidemic virus. We are so glad for the support you give to our ministries of church and school (New Standard nursery and primary school) every...

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Join Us Online this Sunday!

The colors in the Sanctuary have been changed, preparations are made, the worship team will gather and YOU are invited to worship this Sunday, May 31st, for Pentecost Sunday! The service will begin at 10:30 am (PDT) on Facebook Live. There will be a video of a dramatic reading of...

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Music Lesson with Trevor Torres

We’ve just posted a new Music Lesson (#3) with Trevor Torres, based on the hymn “Come, Thou Fount, of Every Blessing” (UMH #400)! You can find it on our YouTube channel here. What a fun way to learn how to read music! Be sure to watch and let Trevor know...

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For Such a Time As This

An International Call to Fasting, Worship and Prayer at Pentecost “…if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance [for God’s people] will arise from another place….and who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14 In what for...

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Our Scouts Have Been Busy

Our scouts (Troops 567B and 567G, sponsored by The Fount) have been busy since COVID-19’s stay at home orders began! After a fun start to the year with our Vasquez Rocks and snow camp weekends, many of our scheduled events and activities were disrupted, but scouts have adapted and figured...

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Pentecost Online Study: Encounter the Spirit

You are invited to join Pastor Glen for an online (Zoom) study on the Holy Spirit, called Encounter the Spirit. This study was written by Rev. Carolyn Moore, a wonderful UM pastor from Georgia and a leader in the WCA. The study will occur on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM...

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When and How Will The Fount Re-Open?

As the state and federal governments begin to loosen the restrictions on commerce and gatherings, the question naturally comes up, When will we be able to gather, physically, at The Fount again? There are so many factors to consider: What is allowable? What is safe? What kind of precautions do...

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Worship with Us, May 17th!

As this COVID-19 quarantine continues, we all look forward to Sunday mornings when we can gather virtually for worship and fellowship with The Fount family! This Sunday, May 17th, we will be gathering at 10:30 am on Facebook Live for worship. Pastor Glen will give a sermon titled “The Man...

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The Fount is Online!

By now, we hope you have found many of our online ministries, but just in case you are having a hard time, here is a listing of our current online programs and ministries and where you can find them. Share this with friends and neighbors and invite them to partake...

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Worship! Sunday, May 3, 2020

Be sure to join us for online worship tomorrow morning, Sunday, May 3, 2020, at 10:30. Pastor Glen will be preaching on Isaiah 43:16-21 in a sermon titled “Do You Not Perceive It?”. Emanuela Arghir is leading the contemporary worship songs, and you can preview them here. The hymns are...

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