Fruit of the Spirit Sermon Series

Starting this Sunday, June 27th, Pastor Glen will give a nine-part series on the “Fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-26). Our preschool children know all of the fruit of the Spirit by heart, because they sing the song! But for those who need a refresher, the Fruit of the Spirit...

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Thoughtful Thursday – Sermon Teaser

Above is a preview of the sermon verses for this Sunday. I chose to share the NLT version because I love the excitment it expresses. Read it for yourself and see if it doesn’t get you a bit excited about being a part of something new that God is doing....

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The Upper Room Devotional

If you would like a print copy of The Upper Room devotional for July-August, contact the front office to make arrangements for Julie to get one to you.  We have large print and the standard pocket size available. We often have several unclaimed copies left over so please, don’t hesitate to claim...

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Pastor Helena Titus to Preach

This Sunday, June 20th, is Father’s Day and we will have a special preacher delivering the Word to us. Pastor Helena Titus will bring a sermon titled “#letitgo” based on Isaiah 43:18-19. Rev. H (as she is known) is a native of Los Angeles who has a long and deep...

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This Week is Annual Conference

This coming Thursday-Saturday, June 17-19, is the sessions of the California-Pacific Annual Conference. Ordinarily, the sessions would be held at the University of Redlands, but this year, again, they will be online via Zoom. The Fount will send four lay persons to annual conference this year. Ted Smith is our...

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Thoughtful Thursday – Choose Life

Over time, the words “Choose Life” have been used in different ways, both by Christians as by the secular world. In high school I even had a t-shirt that said “CHOOSE LIFE” in big block letters because a popular band featured the shirt in thier music videos on MTV. Honestly,...

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Thoughtful Thursday – The Nicene Creed

This Sunday we will be reciting The Nicene Creed during our Sunday service. The creed was thoughtfully penned by the early Church to solidify the core beliefs of the Church, and it is a good habit to return to and reflect on this unchanging foundation of our faith. Before reciting the creed on...

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Thoughtful Thursday: Something Old, Something New

“Something Old” that I’m rediscovering this week is the book, “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis. I am just a few letters in, but I’m blown away at how relevant the book still is (and not just a little bit convicted). It is a reminder that “There is nothing new...

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Two-Part Sermon on The Armor of God

Pastor Glen will present a two-part sermon on The Armor of God, starting this Sunday, May 30th. The sermons will be based in Ephesians 6:10-20. This imagery of armor in the spiritual life may seem strange to some, but it is a very powerful image to help us understand that...

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Thoughtful Thursday: Unsettled

I don’t know about you, but as things seem to be getting back to “normal” I’m not feeling any more settled than I did a few months ago. There seem to be just as many unsettling things going on now as there were last year. Honestly, I’m just plain fatigued...

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