Endings and Beginnings – The Fount Account

This will be my last post on The Fount Account as your pastor. It has been a wonderful ten years since I and my family came here in 2014 to serve the Lord through this church, and I have no regrets! But ending a decade-long pastorate is hard; hard for...

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I Don’t Want to Change – The Fount Account

Change is never easy.  I remember being hired as a family pastor at a church and thinking to myself, “I can finally plan the next 10 years of my life!” However, if you don’t know by now, that’s not how God works. Looking back at the last 10 years of...

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Thinking of Things to Say – The Fount Account

How many times has this happened to you? You have a discussion (or even an argument), and in the midst of it you can’t really think of anything significant to say. You’re taken off guard, and while engaged with the other person(s), you just can’t come up with the salient...

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Disengagement – The Fount Account

As the date of my retirement approaches, I think it is good to think about and plan for the transition. I have been privileged to serve as your pastor for the past 10 years, and while that is not even half the time that Pastor John served you, it is...

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Come to the Townhall Meeting – April 17th

The Fount and Free Life Community Church will hold a joint Townhall meeting on Wednesday, April 17th, at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. The purpose of this Townhall is to conference together about our future. We will talk about our life together, answer any questions the members of the congregations...

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What’s the Plan, Stan? – The Fount Account

As we move toward my retirement from the active ministry on July 1st, I wanted to convey to you what the leadership of The Fount is planning. As you already know, Pastor Paul Park has been taking on more and more responsibility at The Fount, having joined the staff on...

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Mission, Vision, Values – The Fount Account

Growing up as a 3rd generation pastor’s kid. I have seen, experienced, and critiqued what it means to be a Christian. I’ve worshiped in a conservative Korean setting where sticking to the rules and having good behavior was the model of a good Christian. I’ve also served and led in...

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Another New Year – The Fount Account

Happy New Year! It is 2024, and God is still on His throne! Hallelujah! As we enter into this New Year, it is good to consider where we are and where God may be calling us. Last year we were still hoping that our annual conference would let us disaffiliate...

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