Happy New Year! It is 2024, and God is still on His throne!
As we enter into this New Year, it is good to consider where we are and where God may be calling us. Last year we were still hoping that our annual conference would let us disaffiliate without having to “sell the farm”, but, alas, that didn’t happen. They held firm on their demands that we jump through financial hoops that were impossible for us. Now we enter a season where the disaffiliation paragraph in the Book of Discipline has expired. We don’t know what this year will bring in this regard, but we will look to Jesus for our guidance and wisdom. Prayers are still very much needed!
In any case, this will be a year of transition.
I will be retiring from active ministry at the end of June, entering into the retired relationship with the UMC having served continuously since 1981. The Church Council is busy planning for leadership going forward. Pastor Paul Park, the pastor of Free Life Community Church (whom we are hosting on campus) will be coming on staff to work on the transition with me. We are looking for ways to integrate the two congregations more and more, perhaps leading to a merger (depending on the status of The Fount’s desire to disaffiliate from the UMC). Stay tuned! We had a wonderful Christmas Eve service (wasn’t it great!) that saw our Sanctuary full to over-flowing when both congregations worshipped together. It was beautiful to see people from so many different cultures and languages worshipping God together! I believe God is leading us in this direction. Continue to pray for God’s guidance.
In the meantime, we have much work to do! As I have said many times, we cannot allow ourselves to be distracted from the main thing: ministering in Jesus’ name. The Gospel must go out and reach the people in our area and beyond. John Wesley famously instructed Francis Asbury and Thomas Coke, as they departed for America, to “Offer them Christ.” That is still our mission; let us be about it and all over it!
So, Happy New Year, Church! Enjoy the day, watch some football, eat some good food, and take a rest. Tomorrow we have work to do!