Return Your Bottles on Sunday – Father’s Day

Our annual Horizon Pregnancy Clinic fundraiser is wrapping up this Sunday, June 16th. Please return your bottles when you come to church or make your donation via the QR code above. Thank you for supporting this beautiful ministry that supports mothers and fathers who face unplanned pregnancies.

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Horizon Pregnancy Clinic Campaign

It’s time for our annual Horizon Pregnancy Clinic Fundraiser (Between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day) On Sunday, you can grab a baby bottle to fill with change, cash or a check or give using the QR code above. Thank you for your support of this beautiful ministry.

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Sanctity of Human Life – The Fount Account

51 years ago today, on January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States made a horrendous mistake in declaring a “constitutional right” that is no where in the Constitution. Under the guise of “privacy”, the court ruled that a woman had a “right” to kill her unborn baby,...

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Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

This Sunday, January 21, 2024, is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a day when we celebrate the sacredness of all human life, born and unborn. Come and worship with your church family as we lift up the sanctity of all human life!

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This Sunday is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Join us in worship this Sunday, January 22nd, as we observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday! We believe that all human life is sacred, including the unborn. And we encourage those who are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy to consider adoption before abortion. Help us lift up this word as we...

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Moving Forward

If the effort to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church is successful, The Fount will face new challenges. Well, actually, The Fount will continue to face old challenges! Because it is not new and it is no surprise that The Fount needs to grow. As a congregation, we have been...

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How About a Ministry For Single Pregnant Moms?

For some time, now, I’ve been thinking about a ministry that I became aware of that ministers to single, pregnant moms both during their pregnancy and afterward. This ministry is called “Embrace Grace.” It provides a Christian support group for those single women going through pregnancy, providing a caring community,...

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What About Assisted Suicide?

A request was made by a member of The Fount to address the question of assisted suicide. What does the Bible have to say about it? And what does the church teach about it? First, the Bible never uses the word “suicide”, but there are many examples of people who...

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Choice v. Life

The recent Supreme Court decision that over-turned the controversial “Roe V. Wade” decision of the early 1970’s is stirring up quite the angst in our country right now. People who are for the option of abortion are outraged that “a right has been taken away” by the same court, albeit...

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Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

This Sunday, January 23rd, will be “Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.” We will watch a video on the subject and there will be materials available to help us appreciate this matter more deeply. Our goal is not to make those who have participated in abortions feel guilty, but to continue...

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