Worship! Sunday, May 3, 2020

Be sure to join us for online worship tomorrow morning, Sunday, May 3, 2020, at 10:30. Pastor Glen will be preaching on Isaiah 43:16-21 in a sermon titled “Do You Not Perceive It?”. Emanuela Arghir is leading the contemporary worship songs, and you can preview them here. The hymns are...

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Take Your Pets to Church Day!

Who Are You Watching Church With? This Sunday we’d love to see which furry friends are attending sofa church with you. Be ready to post a picture in the comments section. I can’t wait to see who you bring to church! Click HERE on Sunday, at 10:30am (Pacific Time)

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SOLD OUT Mask Fundraiser for Preschool at The Fount

WE HAVE SOLD OUT OF MASKS! Watch this site for when more masks might be available. Thank you to all who have supported our Preschool! Volunteers have been working overtime, donating their time and materials to make masks to help protect our community. To get on the WAITING LIST to...

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Easter Sunday at The Fount!

We are looking forward to worshipping with The Fount Family on Sunday, April 12th, Easter Sunday! We will have a Hymn Sing on 10:15 AM on Facebook Live, so tune in early and sing along with the worship leadership as we sing some of our favorite hymns. Submit your requests...

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Operation Christmas Child Update

We Sent our Boxes Packing! Church & Preschool: Thank you so much for the 38 Operation Christmas Child boxes we turned in!  Thanks to Karen Olson who started the process, thanks to Julie who handled the boxes in the office and thanks to Mary Erickson who helped with the delivery...

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Messy Church Caroling: Dec. 13th

Messy Church will be going on the road again to sing Christmas carols and spread the joy of the birth of our savior with our neighbors at the mobile home park across the street. We will start at church with dinner and fellowship before we share our joyful voices. Everyone...

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Ladies Christmas Workshop & Luncheon

December 14th, noon to 2pm in the MPR Ladies of The Fount, mark your calendar for a fun afternoon of fellowship, creativity, and a light lunch. Everyone will leave with a beautiful (we promise) living succulent wreath. RSVP to Karen Wilson 714-907-7335 to be sure we purchase enough supplies. If...

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Come Join Us – November 24th

All are invited to stay after worship on Sunday, November 24th, for an All Church Potluck in celebration of the conclusion of our Finance Campaign for 2020. We will turn in our pledge cards for 2020 during worship, and then during lunch the cards will be tallied and the results...

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All Churches Movie Night

On November 15th we will be having a movie night with our sister churches, La Cima and VECFV. We will be watching an animated version of John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrims Progress.” The message in this movie is meaningful for all ages and is as relevant to Christians now as it...

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