Women’s Christmas Tea – All Congregations

Join us for our 3rd annual Christmas Tea! Let us know how you would like to help: Set and decorate a table (bring your rarely used china and make the table festive). Help set up and/or clean up Prepare food for the tea (tea sandwiches, mini desserts, quiche or any other “tea”...

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Women’s Christmas Tea – Save the Date

It’s almost time for our annual Women’s Christmas Tea! It will be on Saturday, December 2 at 10:00AM. This year, we are opening it up to all of our congregations! There are opportunities to serve by: hosting a table, bringing a dish, or cleaning up after! Please RSVP for this...

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Lunch Cancelled

Because the forecast is for heavy rain this Sunday, we are cancelling the hotdog/hamburger lunch cookout planned for this Sunday in connection with our celebration of Vacation Bible School. Instead, there will be refreshments offered inside. Come and enjoy the fellowship! Remember: Worship is at 11:00 AM this Sunday; there...

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Men’s Breakfast

Join us at 9am this Saturday, August 12th for fellowship & food. Men from all four congregations are invited. We hope to see you there!

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Prayer Summit is This Week!

This is the week for the 2023 Fountain Valley Prayer Summit! This year, we are spreading out the joy by having three churches host the event! Friday night is our night here at The Fount. We, along with Free Life Community Church, La Cima, and Vietnamese Evangelical will share the...

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God’s Never Ending Work – The Fount Account

It’s hard to believe but this is the Seaver’s 9th year at The Fount. With exciting new things on the horizon I often spend time thinking about what’s come before. In our time here new programs often started with so much hope and promise. Fifteen families at a Spiritual Parenting...

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Game Night!

You are invited to come and enjoy an evening of table games and dessert at The Fount, including all of the congregations that meet at The Fount. So our brothers and sisters from La Cima, Vietnamese Evangelical Church (VEC), and Free Life Community Church are also invited to come. This...

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Join Us for Fat Tuesday!

Fat (or Shrove) Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday, and traditionally it is a day of feasting on the foods and activities that one must fast from during Lent, such as sugar and fat (butter, oil, etc). Over the years, it has become a day to use up all...

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Autism Program: Harvest Hoedown!

This coming Saturday, November 12th, is our second event with Radiate Possibility, our autism ministry. It is the “Harvest Hoedown”, an outside (weather permitting) fun time with hay bales, pumpkins, games and more! It is for those 13 and older with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and their families. Our front...

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