Moving Forward

If the effort to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church is successful, The Fount will face new challenges. Well, actually, The Fount will continue to face old challenges! Because it is not new and it is no surprise that The Fount needs to grow. As a congregation, we have been...

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Stepping Out in Mission

I’ve been talking and writing about a couple of outreach ministries or missions that I believe God is calling us to engage in. But I have not received much in the way of positive feedback or even interest from the congregation. That concerns me, because if we are to grow...

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How About a Ministry For Single Pregnant Moms?

For some time, now, I’ve been thinking about a ministry that I became aware of that ministers to single, pregnant moms both during their pregnancy and afterward. This ministry is called “Embrace Grace.” It provides a Christian support group for those single women going through pregnancy, providing a caring community,...

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