Moving Forward

If the effort to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church is successful, The Fount will face new challenges. Well, actually, The Fount will continue to face old challenges! Because it is not new and it is no surprise that The Fount needs to grow. As a congregation, we have been...

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After the Decision, What Now?

Last week, as was announced, The Fount voted to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church. What this means is that the membership of the church has begun the process to withdraw from the UMC. What makes this process difficult is what is known as the “trust clause”, which is a...

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The Diminishing Biblical Beliefs of Americans

It is probably no surprise to most of us that Americans are becoming more and more ignorant of the Bible. What with fewer and fewer Americans identifying themselves as practicing Christians and the dumbing-down of the Gospel in many churches, plus the growing number of “progressive Christians”, it should not...

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Online Class this Fall: Another Gospel?

What is Progressive Christianity? What is all this talk about “deconstruction”? Should we be concerned about it? What are some of the answers to the questions posed by progressive thinkers? These and many more questions will be addressed in this new online class offered by Pastor Glen this fall. Another...

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Should Christians Sue Other Christians?

With the lawsuit in Florida brought by 106 United Methodist Churches against their bishop and annual conference, many people have asked, “Should Christians sue other Christians?” And the answer to that is “No”, but also “Maybe”. Paul counsels the Corinthian church: 1 Corinthians 6:1–8 (NRSV) 1 When any of you...

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What About Assisted Suicide?

A request was made by a member of The Fount to address the question of assisted suicide. What does the Bible have to say about it? And what does the church teach about it? First, the Bible never uses the word “suicide”, but there are many examples of people who...

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The Fount Account – What’s the Problem?

Once again, we are assaulted by a mass shooting in America. Almost instantly, the pundits jump to the microphones to pontificate on what the problem is and why this keeps happening to us in the most free land in the world. Some point to the problem as stemming from the...

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The Fount Account – Creative Ministry

I’ve been sharing my thoughts coming out of the pandemic regarding how we need to think about moving forward in ministry. I gave an overview of those thoughts here, and then expanded on those thoughts here, here, and here.   This week, I want to expand on my final thought...

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New Sermon Series!

Pastor Glen will begin a new, 5-part sermon series this coming Sunday, April 24th. The series is called “Who We Are in Christ” and will cover 5 essential identifying marks of all Jesus-followers. Here is an outline of the series: April 24th: “New Creation” 2 Corinthians 5:17 May 1st: “No...

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