What is Progressive Christianity? What is all this talk about “deconstruction”? Should we be concerned about it? What are some of the answers to the questions posed by progressive thinkers?
These and many more questions will be addressed in this new online class offered by Pastor Glen this fall. Another Gospel? is a book by Alisa Childers who grew up a solid evangelical Christian, but was lured away by a progressive pastor into a morass of doubt and deconstruction of the faith. Hear how she found her way back and the lessons she learned along the way.
This six-week online class will begin on October 4th and run for six Tuesday evenings on Zoom, so you can join from the comfort of your own home! We’ll be reading the book and discussing its concepts. We’ll begin at 7:00 PM each evening.
To purchase the book, go here or here and to get the study guide, go here or here. Couples can share to save costs, but both the book and study guide will be used. There is a video component as well, and Pastor Glen will share the videos on Zoom.
So, plan to join this six-week class on Zoom starting October 4th and continuing through November 8th on Tuesday evenings this fall. Register by contacting the church office (office@thefount.church 714-962-2593).