WCA Prayer Guide for May 2023

May: The Way to Global Methodism By Keith Boyette   Through Isaiah, God declares, “O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord. Give the Lord no rest until he completes his work...

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Maundy Thursday Service

We will gather this evening at 7:00 PM for a very moving service for Maundy Thursday. The service includes communion, remembering the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples in the Upper Room. And then we will experience a Service of Tenebrae (darkness), wherein the Passion (suffering) story of Jesus...

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Worship Night Palm Sunday!

Join us (in-person only, no live stream) this Sunday evening for a special night of worship at The Fount. Starting at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary, we will sing and celebrate the Lamb of God, Who is Worthy! Using familiar hymns and worship songs, this will be a night to...

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Lenten Study: Jesus in the Wild

This year our Lenten Study will be called “Jesus in the Wild” based on the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness. It will be on Zoom, so you can join the study from the comfort of your own home! On Tuesday evenings at 7pm, beginning February 28th, we join together...

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New Online Study Begins October 4th

Excitement is growing for the new online study Pastor Glen will lead beginning next week, on Tuesday, October 4th. “Another Gospel?” is a book by Alisa Childers that chronicles her journey from orthodox Christianity, through progressive Christianity, and back again. She examines her journey and highlights the false teachings of...

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Stepping Out in Mission

I’ve been talking and writing about a couple of outreach ministries or missions that I believe God is calling us to engage in. But I have not received much in the way of positive feedback or even interest from the congregation. That concerns me, because if we are to grow...

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Special Church Conference: October 19th

A Special Church Conference has been called for the express purpose of voting on whether or not to disaffiliate (leave) The United Methodist Church. The Church Conference will be held on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary. All Professing Members of The Fount are urged to...

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Online Class this Fall: Another Gospel?

What is Progressive Christianity? What is all this talk about “deconstruction”? Should we be concerned about it? What are some of the answers to the questions posed by progressive thinkers? These and many more questions will be addressed in this new online class offered by Pastor Glen this fall. Another...

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Come Help This Saturday!

There are a number of little projects that need doing around the church, so this Saturday, August 13th, we will have a Work Day which will include folks from all three congregations on campus. The day will start at 9:00 AM and conclude by 1:00. Bring gloves, hats, and a...

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