9:00 AM Service Cancelled for January 3rd.

Because a member of our staff has tested positive for COVID-19, out of an abundance of caution, we are cancelling our 9:00 am outdoor worship service this Sunday, January 3, 2021. This staff member has not been on campus since Christmas Eve, but several people were in contact with them...

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Once Again, Let’s Commit

A tradition in Methodist/Wesleyan churches through the centuries has been to annually renew the commitment to being a follower of Jesus, using the Covenant Renewal Service that John Wesley produced. The first Sunday of a New Year is the traditional time to hold John Wesley’s Covenant Renewal Service. As has...

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Here’s Our Online Schedule-Updated for New Year’s Eve

The Fount offers several opportunities online to be blessed and encouraged in Christian spiritual growth. Here is our weekly schedule and where to find us. All times are Pacific Time (USA). Sundays at 10:30 AM – Our Online Worship Service – Facebook Live Sundays at 11:45 AM – The Fount...

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Christmas Eve At The Fount

Just a reminder that we will have two services on Christmas Eve! At 5:00 PM, outside around the Gazebo, we will gather for “Carols and Candles.” We’ll sing Christmas carols by guitar and candle light, and bless each other (while social distancing!). Masks are recommended. Dress warmly! At 7:00 PM,...

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Watch “A Very Crafty Christmas” Pageant!

If you missed it live on Facebook, or if you want to watch it again, you really should watch “A Very Crafty Christmas” Pageant! Ric Seaver and the kids of Knights of Agon put on this online Christmas pageant in Minecraft, a popular video gaming platform where you construct the...

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Join Us on Christmas Eve!

This year we are going to have two services on Christmas Eve. One will be live, in-person (outside) and one will be live online (Zoom). The 5:00 pm Service of Carols & Candles will be a simple service, gathered around the Gazebo courtyard, standing in a big circle (social distancing),...

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A Christmas Worship Experience

This was a wonderful event on Friday, December 18th! You can watch a recording of it here. Christina Smith led us, with help from Kevin Nguyen and others. Song sheets were provided, and folks brought their own chairs, flashlights, warm clothing and Christmas spirit! Hot beverages were be provided. Hope...

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Thoughtful Thursday: Mary’s Response

Once again, instead of sharing my thoughts about this Sunday’s verses, I am encouraging you to read them and consider what they imply about Mary’s character, especially if you consider the implications of possibly being an unwed mother in those times.  Thanks to those of you who shared your insights...

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Celebrating Together Through Carols & Worship

Christina Smith will be leading us in worship as we gather together to sing traditional Christmas carols and contemporary worship songs to celebrate the birth of our Savior, the New Born King! Dress warm, bring chairs, blankets & a flashlight. Warm beverages will be served to help everyone stay warm! It will also...

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