Thoughtful Thursday

The God Who Walks Through Fires With Us While reading Daniel 3:13-18 for this Sunday’s sermon, verses 17-18 really stood out for me: 17 “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if...

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Join Your Fount Friends Each Morning

There is a prayer meeting every day at 7:30 am, did you know that? Each day, friends from The Fount gather on Zoom to hold one another in prayer, and to life the concerns of the church, community and friends before the Lord. Using a liturgical form for morning prayer,...

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Thoughtful Thursday: Sermon Teaser

There is a reason that the first commandment God gives us is “You shall have no other gods before me.” This Sunday is the first in a series of three sermons titled, “A Tale of Two Kingdoms.” See sermon verses above.

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New Sermon Series Starts This Sunday

The Bible talks a lot about kingdoms. Kingdoms of humans and the Kingdom of God. We are citizens of both the kingdom of humans and God’s Kingdom, but how do we tell the difference? And why should we be concerned? Pastor Glen is back from vacation and begins a new,...

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Go Global! This Saturday, May 1st.

The Wesleyan Covenant Association’s 5th annual global gathering, “Go Global”, will occur this Saturday, May 1st. The Fount is a simulcast site for the event, which means you can attend the event here at The Fount, starting at 9:00 AM Saturday morning in the Sanctuary. The actual event is being...

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Go Global!

The 2021 Global Gathering of the Wesleyan Covenant Association will occur on Saturday, May 1st. The event will be held in Montgomery, Alabama, but The Fount will be a live internet simulcast site once again this year, so you can come and experience what Pastor Glen has been raving about...

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Easter Day Camp 2021

  Easter is such an amazing day, why not celebrate it for more than just one day? Kids in Kindergarten-12th grade can join us for games, crafts, STEM activities, gaming sessions and most of all a strong message about Jesus and His plan of redemption. A suggested donation of $100...

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Maundy Thursday Service

On Thursday, April 1, 2021, we will observe Maundy Thursday with a special in-person worship service in our Sanctuary at The Fount. The service will begin at 7:30 pm (note the time). As in the past, our Maundy Thursday service will be a combination of Holy Communion (Last Supper) and...

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