Decision Made (The Fount Account)

I write this post after the Church Conference (all Professing Members present and voting) decided to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church. The vote was not even close. It was 100% in favor of disaffiliation! After the vote was taken, our United Methodist district superintendent, the Rev. Sandra Olewine, said...

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Preschool Fundraiser – ONE week only!

You, your child or your grandchild can design custom notecards, stickers, etc. and support Preschool @ The Fount. They make wonderful Christmas gifts. See the information table after church this Sunday. This fundraiser will only run for one week, so check it out while you can!

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Hope for the Holidays

Umbrella Ministries Orange County is hosting a mini-conference at The Fount Church on November 5th to help mothers who have lost a child navigate the holidays and to fellowship with other mothers who share a similar loss. There will be workshops, worship, fellowship, crafting and special messages to encourage and...

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Operation Christmas Child 2022

It’s Time to Start Packing! We have Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in the church office. Pick one up on Sunday! Start gathering some goodies now and your box will be full before you know it. This is such a fun way to spread the love and hope of Jesus to children....

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Praising in the Midst

Have you ever been tired of waiting for something God promised you? Or, weary of not knowing? Or even, weary of the answer He gave you because you didn’t want that answer? I have- just this week. A moment of transparency: I was in my car praying after a worship...

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Help for Florida

Dear Family of The Fount, The following is a letter from Rev. Jay Therrell, the president of the Wesleyan Covenant Association. He is from Florida, and has a heart for the people. If you would like to help, you can follow the links in this email or give to The...

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The Diminishing Biblical Beliefs of Americans

It is probably no surprise to most of us that Americans are becoming more and more ignorant of the Bible. What with fewer and fewer Americans identifying themselves as practicing Christians and the dumbing-down of the Gospel in many churches, plus the growing number of “progressive Christians”, it should not...

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New Online Study Begins October 4th

Excitement is growing for the new online study Pastor Glen will lead beginning next week, on Tuesday, October 4th. “Another Gospel?” is a book by Alisa Childers that chronicles her journey from orthodox Christianity, through progressive Christianity, and back again. She examines her journey and highlights the false teachings of...

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Stepping Out in Mission

I’ve been talking and writing about a couple of outreach ministries or missions that I believe God is calling us to engage in. But I have not received much in the way of positive feedback or even interest from the congregation. That concerns me, because if we are to grow...

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The Fount Account – Blind-sided By Cancer

We thought it would never happen to us. I don’t know why we thought that, but we did. At least we did except in those dark moments when we realized that there is no guarantee that “it” wouldn’t happen to us. But we would quickly put that all aside and...

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