Dealing with Stress – The Fount Account

The Church Council, at its meeting on July 16th, approved a proposal to grant me two consecutive days off each week. Many may not be aware that pastors are typically only given one day off a week. Contrary to the popular “belief” that pastors only work one day a week!...

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Mission Potluck – July 23rd

The Fount Family will gather for a potluck supper and mission report from a very special mission family in our midst. Come and enjoy good home cooking and some take-out as well! The event will happen on Sunday, July 23, 2023, starting at 6:00 PM in the Multipurpose Room. More...

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Keeping On – The Fount Account

Last week was a really busy week with a lot of press coverage of our disaffiliation plight and follow-up contacts. This week, I’m hoping things will quiet down somewhat. It is good to have publicity and perhaps add some pressure to our annual conference to negotiate an exit route that...

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Vicarious Joy, Actual Distress

Pastor Glen was asked to write the article for this week’s Outlook, the weekly newsletter of the Wesleyan Covenant Association. This publication reaches 19,000 subscribers worldwide! The topic is the difficult process of disaffiliation in the California-Pacific Annual Conference. You can read the article here:  Vicarious Joy, Actual Distress – Wesleyan...

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Disaffiliation Blocked – The Fount Account

I write this in the aftermath of the meeting of the California-Pacific Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, meeting in Los Angels June 14-17, 2023. During the session, attempts were made by myself and your Lay Leader, Ted Smith, to ask the bishop and the conference trustees to reconsider...

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All Churches Work Day: June 24

The five congregations meeting at The Fount will hold an All Churches Work Day on Saturday, June 24th, starting at 9:00 AM. Projects include cleaning, organizing and tossing some things to make room for other things! Come whenever you can. We expect to be wrapped up by noon, but come...

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Working on Ourselves – The Fount Account

In our culture today, we are encouraged to work on ourselves. We use language like, “self-love, me time, and self-care”. We are told to make sure we are okay and good before helping others. There is a saying that goes, “you cannot pour from an empty cup”. Well, that is...

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Join Us This Sunday!

Following our 9:00 AM worship service, Trevor will lead us in a 15 minute Hymn Sing! Come and request your favorite hymn from the hymnal. This monthly tradition is a blessing for those who appreciate the “old hymns”! Come and show your support! This Sunday, June 11th.

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