Church Office Closed for MLK Day
January 15th in observance of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.
January 15th in observance of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.
It is my intention to retire from active ministry this coming June 30, 2024. Wow! I can’t believe I just wrote that! And yet, there it is. I’m going to retire in six months, the Lord willing and the creek don’t rise! We’ve been through a lot in the past...
All Professing Members of The Fount are invited to attend our annual Church Conference on Sunday, January 21, 2024, at 11:00 AM. The South District Superintendent, Rev. Sandy Olewine, will be with us to preside over this meeting. All Professing Members of The Fount are entitled to attend and vote....
The Church Council of The Fount is pleased to announce that Pastor Paul Park, the pastor of Free Life Community Church, is joining The Fount staff as Assistant Pastor! Pastor Paul joins us to help in the transition as Pastor Glen moves toward retirement later this year. He brings a...
Happy New Year! It is 2024, and God is still on His throne! Hallelujah! As we enter into this New Year, it is good to consider where we are and where God may be calling us. Last year we were still hoping that our annual conference would let us disaffiliate...
Many of you have known and loved Guideposts magazine over the years. Today, Christmas Day, I want to share with you a wonderful story from Guideposts called “The Christmas Gift that Kept On Giving.” You will find it here: The Christmas Gift That Kept on Giving | Guideposts Enjoy! And have...
This year, since Christmas Eve falls on Sunday, we will have two services. Our regular 9:00 morning service and a special 6:30 PM Christmas Eve service! The morning service will feature all of the usual Sunday morning elements, including a special anthem by the choir. Pastor Glen will conclude the...
The word miracle is thrown around a lot at Christmas time. There’s the miracle of Jesus’ birth, of course, but also a bunch of books and movies sport the word in their titles. The obvious one is “Miracle on 34th Street”, but there are literally dozens of movies in the...
When I was a young adult, my father warned me to be aware that “The Spirit of Herod” was trying to steal the joy of Christmas from me. That warning really impacted me because my father had never in all my life ever spoken of any spirit of evil having an influence...
On Sunday, December 17th, The Fount will play host to the South Korean dance group, “Ahava Praise Mission,” part of the “Christian Culture and Arts Mission” under the leadership of Pastor Gil Un Jung. They will off a dance worship during our 9:00 AM worship service. The group hails from...