Halloween and Butchery – The Fount Account

As we come to another Halloween, I want to make some observations. I have never really liked Halloween, even as a kid (the abundance of candy notwithstanding), but we go along with the traditions of passing out candy to “Trick or Treaters” and putting up fall decorations. And as for...

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Choir Concert in La Habra

Christina Smith, our wonderful Worship Leader, sings in a community choir that will perform in concert this Sunday, October 29th at 5:00 PM in La Habra. She invites the members of The Fount to come to this free concert. The program includes a children’s and youth choir in addition to...

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Support Surf City Church’s Harvest Festival

Our sibling congregation in Huntington Beach, Surf City Church, along with The Well (together they identify themselves as “Spirit Station”) will hold their 2nd Annual Harvest Festival on Saturday, November 4th from 2-7pm. There will be live music, food and baked goods, handmade holiday gifts and decor. For the kids there...

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Celebrate Our Wonderful Preschool!

On Sunday, November 5th, we will observe “Preschool Sunday” at The Fount! Teachers and students and their families will be joining us in worship as we highlight this vital ministry of The Fount! So, come to worship or join us online on Sunday, November 5th, at 9:00 AM. We have...

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Grace – The Fount Account

As I was praying about what to write this blog on, the word “grace” came to my mind. God gave us the free gift of life through His grace. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is...

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Women’s Christmas Tea – Save the Date

It’s almost time for our annual Women’s Christmas Tea! It will be on Saturday, December 2 at 10:00AM. This year, we are opening it up to all of our congregations! There are opportunities to serve by: hosting a table, bringing a dish, or cleaning up after! Please RSVP for this...

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Food Ministry Volunteers Needed

Since we had to close down our Welcome Home ministry when the pandemic struck, many of you have been looking for ways to minister to those in need. An opportunity has been presented to assist another local church in their weekly food ministry. Christ Pacific Church in Huntington Beach operates...

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40 Days of Prayer – The Fount Account

Beginning next Sunday, October 22nd, I am calling The Fount to 40 Days of Prayer. I’ll be preaching a series of sermons and sending out daily “Prayer Prompts” by email, encouraging the congregation to be in concentrated prayer for the future of our church. We are entering into a very...

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Oh Yes He Did! – The Fount Account

Yesterday, Sunday, October 8th, I preached a sermon titled “Oh No He Di’n’t!”, having the congregation shout out the title whenever I said something that Jesus clearly did not say. It was fun, because it gave us the opportunity to play a little. But the problem is not fun; it...

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