Culture vs. Church – The Fount Account

There is an old saying,  “if you can’t beat them, join them”.  Which means if you can’t beat the opposition, then might as well join forces in order to control the situation. Not only are people tending to join forces with whatever is trending whether it’s on  social media, politics,...

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Return Your Bottles on Sunday – Father’s Day

Our annual Horizon Pregnancy Clinic fundraiser is wrapping up this Sunday, June 16th. Please return your bottles when you come to church or make your donation via the QR code above. Thank you for supporting this beautiful ministry that supports mothers and fathers who face unplanned pregnancies.

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Holding the Line – The Fount Account

These are hard times, and it’s easy to feel apathetic or despondent about our future as a church. But 1 Corinthians 16:13 (NIV) says, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” This passage challenges us to think about what it looks like to be...

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Do You Love Hymns?

If you do, you’ll love coming to worship this Sunday, June 9th at The Fount! It’s our monthly Hymn Sing during the 9:00 AM worship service, both in-person and online. So come with your favorite hymns in mind and be ready to shout out the number from the Hymnal. Oh,...

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So Much for the “Big Tent” – The Fount Account

As you have undoubtedly heard, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church met last month and changed a great deal of the denomination’s teachings on social issues and further distanced itself from a traditional, Biblical understanding of the Christian faith. I would even go so far as to say...

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Horizon Pregnancy Clinic Campaign

It’s time for our annual Horizon Pregnancy Clinic Fundraiser (Between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day) On Sunday, you can grab a baby bottle to fill with change, cash or a check or give using the QR code above. Thank you for your support of this beautiful ministry.

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I Don’t Want to Change – The Fount Account

Change is never easy.  I remember being hired as a family pastor at a church and thinking to myself, “I can finally plan the next 10 years of my life!” However, if you don’t know by now, that’s not how God works. Looking back at the last 10 years of...

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Office Closed Monday – Memorial Day

In observation of Memorial Day, the church office will be closed on Monday and will reopen on Tuesday morning. While enjoying your three-day weekend, be sure to take time to remember and appreciate those who have died while serving in the US military, defending the freedoms that we enjoy every day.

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Daily Devotions Has Ended

Because Pastor Glen will retire soon (July 1), the program “Daily Devotions” has ended. Pastor Glen, with help from Don Garvin, has streamed Daily Devotions on Facebook since early in the pandemic! But the Wake-Up Call devotional, which was read during Daily Devotions, goes on. To continue enjoying the Wake-Up...

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Thinking of Things to Say – The Fount Account

How many times has this happened to you? You have a discussion (or even an argument), and in the midst of it you can’t really think of anything significant to say. You’re taken off guard, and while engaged with the other person(s), you just can’t come up with the salient...

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