February Prayer Guide: The Way to Glory

By David F. Watson   The way to glory is the way of the cross. “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,” Paul writes (Phil 2:5). The mind of Christ is the pattern for the Christian life. Paul then tells us what this pattern entails...

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The Fount Account – Planting Jesus

I read an article recently by Steven Barr. He and his wife, Lucia, planted the Cast Member Church at Walt Disney World 11 years ago, which has expanded to six continents and reaches thousands of people, all employees (“cast members”) of the Walt Disney Company. The article gives five things...

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Free Life Community Church to Worship with Us

On Sunday, January 29th, Pastor Paul Park and his congregation (Free Life Community Church) worshiped with us at The Fount during our regular 10:00 AM worship service! We enjoyed some leadership from Pastor Paul and other leaders of FLCC. This was a wonderful opportunity to get to know our sisters...

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This Sunday is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Join us in worship this Sunday, January 22nd, as we observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday! We believe that all human life is sacred, including the unborn. And we encourage those who are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy to consider adoption before abortion. Help us lift up this word as we...

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Listening as Ministry

I am taking an online class that meets one weekend per month on Zoom, and this past weekend was the fifth of the 24-sessions. The class is training me to be a spiritual director, which is a ministry that I am considering for after retirement from pastoral ministry. This session...

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Remembering Our Baptisms

This Sunday, January 8th, we will be observing Epiphany/Baptism of the Lord Sunday. As part of our observance, we will be engaging in the Wesleyan ritual of “Remembering Our Baptism”. To make this interesting, we are encouraging The Fount members to look up the date of their baptisms and come...

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Happy New Year!

As 2023 begins, I wanted to pause for a moment and reflect on where God may be leading us as a church family. 2022 was a wild ride, to be sure. But 2023 may be even wilder! A year ago, we were hoping that General Conference would meet and that...

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