Return Your Bottles on Sunday – Father’s Day

Our annual Horizon Pregnancy Clinic fundraiser is wrapping up this Sunday, June 16th. Please return your bottles when you come to church or make your donation via the QR code above. Thank you for supporting this beautiful ministry that supports mothers and fathers who face unplanned pregnancies.

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Horizon Pregnancy Clinic Campaign

It’s time for our annual Horizon Pregnancy Clinic Fundraiser (Between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day) On Sunday, you can grab a baby bottle to fill with change, cash or a check or give using the QR code above. Thank you for your support of this beautiful ministry.

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Women’s Spring Brunch – May 18th

Women from all congregations and their friends are invited to join us for a spring brunch. We will share a time of fellowship, food and worship and Sonia will speak about “Spring Cleaning” (spiritually & literally). A sign-up sheet will be circulated during the services on Sunday or you can...

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Women’s Christmas Tea is THIS Saturday!

If you plan on attending the Women’s Christmas Tea, please review all of the information above. To sign up to bring food, click HERE or call the church office to sign up. We hope to see you at this fun day of fellowship!

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Women’s Christmas Tea – All Congregations

Join us for our 3rd annual Christmas Tea! Let us know how you would like to help: Set and decorate a table (bring your rarely used china and make the table festive). Help set up and/or clean up Prepare food for the tea (tea sandwiches, mini desserts, quiche or any other “tea”...

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Women’s Christmas Tea – Save the Date

It’s almost time for our annual Women’s Christmas Tea! It will be on Saturday, December 2 at 10:00AM. This year, we are opening it up to all of our congregations! There are opportunities to serve by: hosting a table, bringing a dish, or cleaning up after! Please RSVP for this...

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Stepping Out in Mission

I’ve been talking and writing about a couple of outreach ministries or missions that I believe God is calling us to engage in. But I have not received much in the way of positive feedback or even interest from the congregation. That concerns me, because if we are to grow...

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How About a Ministry For Single Pregnant Moms?

For some time, now, I’ve been thinking about a ministry that I became aware of that ministers to single, pregnant moms both during their pregnancy and afterward. This ministry is called “Embrace Grace.” It provides a Christian support group for those single women going through pregnancy, providing a caring community,...

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