Children Are the Future – The Fount Account

There is a song called, “The Greatest Love of All” sung by Whitney Houston. In the lyrics, it says, I believe the children are our future.  Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to...

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What is Deconstruction? – The Fount Account

You may have heard of people “deconstructing” their Christian faith and wondered what it was. Perhaps a son or daughter, or a grandchild has announced that they are deconstructing their faith or have already done it. What does that mean? Essentially, “deconstruction” in the context of one’s faith means that...

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What’s the Plan, Stan? – The Fount Account

As we move toward my retirement from the active ministry on July 1st, I wanted to convey to you what the leadership of The Fount is planning. As you already know, Pastor Paul Park has been taking on more and more responsibility at The Fount, having joined the staff on...

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Why Observe Lent? – The Fount Account

We have entered into the season of Lent once again. Lent is a season of preparation, much as Advent is, but Lent is observed and participated as preparation for the grand Event of Easter. These 40 days (plus 6 Sundays—more on that in a moment) are meant to help us...

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Love (and Honor) One Another – The Fount Account

Good afternoon to The Fount Family, and Happy Monday, I decided to do this blog post on the verse of the day from the Bible App. It comes from Romans 12:10- “love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor.” This verse sounds so simple to do,...

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Taking Care of Business – The Fount Account

Next week, Cyndy’s and my family will be taking care of an important element of life: saying “goodbye” to a loved one. We humans need closure, and we need to properly and ritually say “goodbye” to someone we love who has died. Three years ago, Cyndy’s brother, Don Brainerd, died...

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Mission, Vision, Values – The Fount Account

Growing up as a 3rd generation pastor’s kid. I have seen, experienced, and critiqued what it means to be a Christian. I’ve worshiped in a conservative Korean setting where sticking to the rules and having good behavior was the model of a good Christian. I’ve also served and led in...

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