Horizon Pregnancy Clinic Walk & Open House

Horizon’s annual walk and open house is happening on October 16th. You do not have to walk to support them, but it’s a great time to get a tour and see what they do to support families with unplanned pregnancies and to learn about how you can help to support thier...

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Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Sunday, January 17, 2021, was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday at The Fount and all over the nation. It is the Sunday in the year when we remind ourselves that God created each human being in His image, and there every human being is sacred, including those yet unborn. We...

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This Sunday: January 19th

Come to worship this Sunday at The Fount. We are observing “Sanctity of Human Life Sunday” and Pastor Glen will have a sermon based in Psalm 139, called “Wonderfully Made.” Sanctity of Human Life is not just about abortions, although that is a big part. It is also about valuing...

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