Why Pastor Glen Has Hope

With all of the stuff going on in our denomination, including disobedient clergy, conferences and jurisdictions, I still have hope that God is not done with the UMC yet.  In fact, I believe that the best years of our denomination are still ahead of us! How can I say this? ...

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God is Still God!

I write this during the time that the United Methodist Judicial Council (our “supreme court”) is considering several important matters regarding very divisive issues in our denomination, not the least of which is the election of a bishop who is a woman married to another woman.  I do not know...

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What’s Your Vision

If our mission is to “Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World”,  how would you envision going about that?  And what will our church look like when it is accomplishing its mission? These are questions I want to encourage every member of The Fount to prayerfully...

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Ash Wednesday Service

This year, Ash Wednesday falls on March 1st, so we will again have a short, yet powerful, service to mark the beginning of Lent on Wednesday,  March 1st at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.  There will be hymns, prayers, confessions, Scripture, and the imposition of ashes. Everyone is welcome!  

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Making Disciples

The mission of The United Methodist Church is to “Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.” And as such, that is our mission at The Fount.  I’m grateful that the General Conference of the UMC has identified this simple, yet powerful mission statement and am happy...

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What of 2017?

Can you believe that it is already the New Year?!   So many things are happening, and so quickly. Our church recently became a charter member of the Wesleyan Covenant Association so we will be networking with others in this conference and throughout the connection, watching closely the actions at...

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Parsonage Open House

Pastor Glen and Cyndy (and Nathan) Haworth invite you to an open house at their home (a.k.a. “The Parsonage”) on Sunday, December 11th.  Come by anytime between 4pm and 7pm.  Don’t bring anything, just yourselves and your holiday cheer! The Parsonage is located at 9662 Nightingale Ave., Fountain Valley. Call...

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Following Jesus in a Political World

One of the most important books that I read in seminary was titled The Politics of Jesus by John Howard Yoder.  In it Yoder dismisses the traditional view that Jesus was totally a-political, that He took no interest in, nor  interacted with, political matters.  Yoder, in contrast, says that Jesus...

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Advent Sermon Series

Pastor Glen will be giving a series of messages during Advent, using the Lectionary readings from Isaiah.  The series is titled “Advent Hope” and will focus on four areas of our hope:  Peace (November 27, Isaiah 2:1-5), Righteousness (Dec 4, Isaiah 11:1-10),  Joy (Dec 11, Isaiah 35:1-10),  and God-With-Us (Dec...

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What To Do? Pray!

This is THE most frustrating election season of my life!  If you’re like me, there isn’t any candidate running for office (whether it be president, senator or city council) that I can get really excited about and support whole heartily. And the vitriol! Lord, have mercy! So what is a...

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