The Fount Account – What’s the Problem?

Once again, we are assaulted by a mass shooting in America. Almost instantly, the pundits jump to the microphones to pontificate on what the problem is and why this keeps happening to us in the most free land in the world. Some point to the problem as stemming from the...

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New Sermon Series “Exodus” Starts June 12th

Pastor Glen will begin a new sermon series on the Book of Exodus, beginning Sunday, June 12th. The series is open-ended and may well last through the summer! He will be walking through this important book of the Old Testament, reflecting on its meaning for us today, especially in relationship...

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The Fount Account – Creative Ministry

I’ve been sharing my thoughts coming out of the pandemic regarding how we need to think about moving forward in ministry. I gave an overview of those thoughts here, and then expanded on those thoughts here, here, and here.   This week, I want to expand on my final thought...

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General Conference Postponement

Last week, the Commission on General Conference announced that the twice-postponed General Conference will once again be “postponed” until 2024. The Protocol for Separation, our best hope for a peaceful separation, will now have to wait until then. But there are other options. With the further postponement of General Conference...

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A New Blog Coming!

Starting this coming Monday, March 7th, and then every Monday thereafter, be watching for an email coming to your inbox (if you’re on The Fount’s email list!). “The Fount Account” is a new blog subtitled “Holy musings from the ministry staff of The Fount”. Pastor Glen will write most of...

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Sticks and Stones

The events of yesterday, Wednesday, January 6th, will haunt us here in the United States for many, many years. The assault on our capital in Washington, D.C. was horrible to watch and struck at our hearts. We knew it was possible, but we really didn’t expect it to happen. This...

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From Pastor Glen and Cyndy…

Wow! What a surprise and a blessing to received from the congregation such a sweet card and generous gift for “Pastor’s Appreciation Month”! Cyndy and I are so grateful to you, our church family, not just for special recognitions like this, but for all the ways that you support and...

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Ted Smith – Certification in Wesleyan Studies

Congratulations to Ted Smith! Ted Smith (Lay Leader of The Fount) has earned a Certification in Wesleyan Studies from the Wesley Lay Academy, which is a collaboration between Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., and the Richard and Julia Wilke Institute for Discipleship. To receive the certification, students complete at least...

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When and How Will The Fount Re-Open?

As the state and federal governments begin to loosen the restrictions on commerce and gatherings, the question naturally comes up, When will we be able to gather, physically, at The Fount again? There are so many factors to consider: What is allowable? What is safe? What kind of precautions do...

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Sermon Series on 2 Peter

Pastor Glen began a new sermon series on January 26th. He is going through 2 Peter from start to finish! It’s only three chapters, but it is packed with a lifetime of good stuff! Peter wrote this second letter to counteract the activity of false teachers who had infiltrated the...

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