Keeping On – The Fount Account

Last week was a really busy week with a lot of press coverage of our disaffiliation plight and follow-up contacts. This week, I’m hoping things will quiet down somewhat. It is good to have publicity and perhaps add some pressure to our annual conference to negotiate an exit route that...

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How About a Ministry For Single Pregnant Moms?

For some time, now, I’ve been thinking about a ministry that I became aware of that ministers to single, pregnant moms both during their pregnancy and afterward. This ministry is called “Embrace Grace.” It provides a Christian support group for those single women going through pregnancy, providing a caring community,...

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What About Assisted Suicide?

A request was made by a member of The Fount to address the question of assisted suicide. What does the Bible have to say about it? And what does the church teach about it? First, the Bible never uses the word “suicide”, but there are many examples of people who...

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Choice v. Life

The recent Supreme Court decision that over-turned the controversial “Roe V. Wade” decision of the early 1970’s is stirring up quite the angst in our country right now. People who are for the option of abortion are outraged that “a right has been taken away” by the same court, albeit...

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The Fount Account – Creative Ministry

I’ve been sharing my thoughts coming out of the pandemic regarding how we need to think about moving forward in ministry. I gave an overview of those thoughts here, and then expanded on those thoughts here, here, and here.   This week, I want to expand on my final thought...

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Thoughtful Thursday – Choose Life

Over time, the words “Choose Life” have been used in different ways, both by Christians as by the secular world. In high school I even had a t-shirt that said “CHOOSE LIFE” in big block letters because a popular band featured the shirt in thier music videos on MTV. Honestly,...

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