Voting Days at The Fount

We are still looking for one or two people to help run our hospitality table at the June 5th Election Day as The Fount is once again a polling place.  You don’t have to spend the whole day here – you can have others take turns handling it, but we...

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The Men of the Fount Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

Mark Your Calendars “Busy” for Saturday, May 12, 2018, 8:00 am to 10:00 am The annual Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast to benefit United Methodist Men’s activities will be held again this year on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend (May 12, 2018) from 8:00 to 10:00 am. Tickets are available on Sunday mornings.  Thanks in advance for...

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Missions Spotlight – Julie Green

I am doing well.  I have finished chemo and radiation and I’m past the fatigue and drag that came with treatment.  So I’m back  working full time with SIL Int’l and Wycliffe Bible Translators.  Fortunately I  am working with a multicultural and virtual team that is spread from Hong Kong...

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A Firm Foundation

This is a new study concerning the future of The United Methodist Church.  This seven-week study, featuring various leaders in the evangelical tradition of the UMC, will discuss important topics as the denomination faces possible division and certainly reorganization.  Below is a list of topics and speakers to be included...

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March’s Messy Church

Messy Church Our God is a God of second chances.  He welcomes us home to him no matter what we’ve done.  It’s hard to believe that God even loves “bad guys” as kids like to call them.  When Jesus was punished for crimes he didn’t commit he gave the criminal...

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Community Service Day

April 21st has been designated Community Service Day in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley.  There will be volunteers on campus to do work around the church grounds and assist with the Welcome Home program as well. The Surf City Church, with the assistance of The Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council, ...

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The Haworths To Go On Vacation

For a week in April (18-24), Pastor Glen and Cyndy Haworth will be going to Texas to visit their daughter and grandkids (Liam is turning three!) and to spend time with friends.  On that Sunday, April 22nd, our guest preacher will be Ken Nehrbass!  So no playing hooky while the...

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How Are We Living Out Our Mission?

Here’s a question for all of us:  How are you living out the mission of  “making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world?”  What does that look like for you?  What is YOUR vision for living out this mission of our church? For some, it may be...

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Blessing of the Animals – Rescheduled

This Spring, join your church family for something new and exciting!  This event has been rescheduled from Saturday, April 21st at 2:00 PM to Saturday, April 14th at 2:00 pm.  A gathering of animal lovers from the whole community will participate in a special worship time of blessing the animals!  Bring...

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