Hymn Sing This Sunday – New Time

As of this Sunday, our monthly Hymn Sing will be before our 9am service.  We will gather on the lawn at 8:45am to sing our hymns. The time change will allow the staff more time to prepare for the online service, and will allow more flexibility for making in-person requests, if...

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The Awakened Life – New Course from Seedbed

The Awakening Life Course is a four week journey of Scripture, prayer, conversation, and transformation; all centered around the awakening and disciple-making mission of Jesus Christ. Expect to be challenged, encouraged, equipped and empowered for the important season of faith ahead. The course will unfold over four weeks (Oct. 17-Nov....

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Exercise Your Right: Vote!

We are in a very contentious time in our country: election time. Sometimes it feels like a war! With all of the rhetoric and vitriol, one is tempted to move to a mountain cabin away from all media, social or otherwise! But as followers of Jesus Christ, and citizens of...

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New Sermon Series: Doctrine Matters

“It doesn’t matter what you believe, as long as you believe something!” This is commonly affirmed today, and it is as wrong as it was when it escaped the lips of the serpent in the Garden! Of course it matters what you believe! There is Truth, and there is the...

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World Communion Sunday

Sunday, October 4th was World Communion Sunday, and during our 9:00 AM in-person (outside) service, we received Holy Communion, marking the annual “World Communion Sunday”. All over the world, Christians gathered around the table to receive the sacrament. A special offering is being taken for World Communion Sunday that goes...

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Thoughtful Thursday: Revisiting 10 Familiar Bible Verses

Since so many things in our world are unsettled right now, I thought we could all stand to be encouraged by taking some time to meditate on these familiar verses.  Remember that we severe a God who is not overwhelmed or surprised by the events of this world.  His love...

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Washington Prayer March 2020

This Saturday, Franklin Graham is leading a prayer march in Washington DC. It is not a protest or a rally to support anything political. It is a day of prayer to ask God to heal our land. “America is in trouble. Our communities are hurting, our people are divided, and there’s fear...

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Paper Shredding Event

Free Paper Shredding at The Fount This Saturday, September 26th, from 9am – 12pm,  you can bring up to 5 boxes to be shredded for free. See details above.

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Tree to be Dedicated

This Sunday, September 20th, we will dedicate the newly planted tree in our front lawn in loving memory of Pat Stoaks, our wonderful sister and church office manager, who passed away two years ago. The tree is given in Pat’s memory by her sisters, Vickie Christensen and Karen Minnick. We...

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Help Fire Victims through UMCOR

The devastation from the fires raging in California, Oregon and Washington has been front page news. We’ve experienced the ashes and auburn skies even here in Fountain Valley! The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is our denominational disaster relief organization that provides help for those affected by such disasters....

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