I’ve been in the office for just over two years now and we’ve been challenged in many ways during that time, but the grace, love, support and growth I’ve seen has made it a blessing to be here and I am grateful be a part of The Fount’s church family. We are blessed by pastor who is faithful to the gospel and encourages us to dive deeper into our relationship with Christ, a staff who love the the Lord and genuinely care for our congregation, a committed congregation of mature believers who genuinely love the Lord and each other, and who support our staff and each other with their prayers, time and finances.
What we have is rare. Yes, we have differences in political opinions and we sometimes make mistakes, but our common love for Christ has been greater than any of our faults. I hope you feel as blessed to be a part of this church as I do.
Happy Thanksgiving!
John 13:34-35 NLT
34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.
*Photo above is of a project created for us by Ellen Seaback. Be sure to take a look at it next time you are in the church office.