Thoughtful Thursday: Kindness

Sunday’s sermon topic, “Kindness” is a word that is used so much and by so many people that I think it has lost its’ true meaning. It’s mostly used in a way to direct our actions to make us look like we care, even if we don’t. But “kindness” doesn’t...

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All Congregations 4th of July Picnic!

This year The 4th of July falls on a Sunday so it only seems right that we celebrate with our sister congregations. This will be our first time in nearly two years that we will be able to gather together to share food and fellowship. La Cima will fire up...

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Thoughtful Thursday – Sermon Teaser

Above is a preview of the sermon verses for this Sunday. I chose to share the NLT version because I love the excitment it expresses. Read it for yourself and see if it doesn’t get you a bit excited about being a part of something new that God is doing....

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The Upper Room Devotional

If you would like a print copy of The Upper Room devotional for July-August, contact the front office to make arrangements for Julie to get one to you.  We have large print and the standard pocket size available. We often have several unclaimed copies left over so please, don’t hesitate to claim...

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Thoughtful Thursday – The Nicene Creed

This Sunday we will be reciting The Nicene Creed during our Sunday service. The creed was thoughtfully penned by the early Church to solidify the core beliefs of the Church, and it is a good habit to return to and reflect on this unchanging foundation of our faith. Before reciting the creed on...

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Thoughtful Thursday: Something Old, Something New

“Something Old” that I’m rediscovering this week is the book, “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis. I am just a few letters in, but I’m blown away at how relevant the book still is (and not just a little bit convicted). It is a reminder that “There is nothing new...

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Thoughtful Thursday: Sermon Teaser

There is a reason that the first commandment God gives us is “You shall have no other gods before me.” This Sunday is the first in a series of three sermons titled, “A Tale of Two Kingdoms.” See sermon verses above.

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Thoughtful Thursday: Why is Maundy Thursday Significant?

Because Good Friday is such an important day in Holy Week, we often forget how significant the day before Christ’s crucifixion was. ~It’s on this day that Judas betrayed Jesus. ~It’s on this day that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as an example for them to be servants...

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The Fount Fellowship Time is Moving!

With our new Sunday schedule starting this week (Easter Sunday), our Fount Family Fellowship Time on Zoom is moving. It will occur about 5 minutes after the conclusion of the online service that begins at 12 noon. So if you are participating in the online service, flip on over to...

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