Worship Host Training

Pastor Glen invites any who are interested in becoming Worship Hosts to meet for a time of training on Sunday, September 20th at 12:00 noon in the Sanctuary. A Worship Host is someone who helps to lead worship on Sunday mornings (primarily) by reading Scripture, doing announcements, taking the offering...

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Preschool is Opening!

The Fountain Valley United Methodist Preschool will open for classes September 14 for the Monday/Wednesday/Friday and 5-day a week students.  The Tuesday/Thursday students will start on September 15th.  If you have any questions, please contact the Preschool office at 714-968-2834.

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Youth Group is Resuming!

The Wednesday night youth group, led by Ted McFarland, will resume meeting tonight, September 9th.  They will meet weekly at 7:00 pm in the Youth Room on the side of the East Chapel.  If you know of any teenagers that would enjoy meeting other youth and joining them for fellowship,...

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Making Connections

Evangelism is a scary word for some people.  Going door to door, talking to people about the 4 Spiritual Laws can be daunting. But evangelism doesn’t have to be like that. In fact, evangelism is really only effective when it flows naturally from who you authentically are. It starts with...

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Prayer on Sunday Mornings

A spontaneous movement of prayer has sprung up on Sunday mornings before worship, and you are invited to participate.  Come early (10:00 AM) and gather at the front of the Sanctuary to pray for our church.  We are praying for spiritual break-through, revival and the Holy Spirit to move in...

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Office Closure

The office at Fountain Valley United Methodist Church will be closed on Friday, August 21st and Monday, August 24th.  Please feel free to call the office and leave a message, 714-962-2593.  Someone will return you call on Tuesday, August 25th.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

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Worship Leader/Music Minister Needed

Fountain Valley UMC is looking for a very special person to fill a newly-created staff position: Worship Leader/Music Minister. This is a part time position (10 hours per week, on average) to focus on leading Sunday morning worship at the 10:30 AM blended service. It includes planning the worship set and the...

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Another Missionary Report From Julie Green

In July, I was asked to observe the Culture Meets Scripture Workshop in Papua New Guinea order to give the trainers feedback on the course.  Culturally defined significant events can be times of intense struggle for believers living  in non-Christian communities. This workshop works with church leaders to help them equip those they serve to resist pressures to...

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