August 2015 Family Communique
Click below to download (.pdf) the complete August 2015 newsletter: The Family Communique August 2015
Click below to download (.pdf) the complete August 2015 newsletter: The Family Communique August 2015
Join us, Friday, July 24th at 6:00 PM, for a fun screening of the movie Up. Pizza, Popcorn and other snacks will be available. Parents, be advised, Up is a family friendly movie but contains some intense action scenes which could be frightening for very young children. Read more about it...
On July 26th Rev. Karen Maurer of the Beach Cities Interfaith Services will make a presentation during our morning worship service outlining the many ministries of BCIS. Come, and learn more about this important outreach which our church supports! Donate to BCIS.
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last several years, you are aware that our denomination, The United Methodist Church, is severely stressed and divided over the issue of homosexuality, same-sex marriage and openly gay clergy (not to mention abortion). With annual conference just completed, no...
Every year, the City of Fountain Valley promotes “Concerts in the Park” at the FV Recreation Center and Sports Park (16400 Brookhurst). This year, we are encouraging the church family to come and sit together while enjoying the concerts! If you want to park at the church and carpool over,...
During the month of July, we will be learning more about this important cause. The United Methodist Church has committed to helping to raise $75 million to eradicate malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa. You can read all about the cause at Watch for more information in the Sunday bulletins, the...
Beginning Sunday, July 12th, Pastor Glen will be giving a series of sermons (10, in fact) on the 10 Commandments! Each Sunday will be another commandment, exploring their original meaning and application for our lives today. Yes, Virginia, the 10 Commandments are still relevant and authoritative today! Don’t miss...
Click below to download (.pdf) the complete July 2015 newsletter: The Family Communique July 2015
The signs are clear. The times are changing, and not necessarily for the better from the prospective of faithful Christians trying to live out the principles of Scripture. We need to prepare ourselves for a future which will be decidedly unfriendly to Christianity and the Church. For a long time,...