Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

It’s time to pack your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes!  Collection week is November 18-25, the week before Thanksgiving.  Stop by the office if you need a box or a copy of the “How to Pack a Shoebox” brochure or go to samaritanspurse.org/occ  for more information.  If you fill out your...

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All Churches Movie Night

On November 15th we will be having a movie night with our sister churches, La Cima and VECFV. We will be watching an animated version of John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrims Progress.” The message in this movie is meaningful for all ages and is as relevant to Christians now as it...

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Attend the WCA Simulcast!

Here at The Fount, we are taking a leadership role in our annual conference in putting forth the orthodox, traditional, Wesleyan doctrines of Christianity. We don’t stand alone, but we do stand tall and firmly in the grasp of our Almighty God! We are the ONLY simulcast site for this...

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Interested in Membership?

If you are interested in exploring the possibility of becoming a Professing Member of The Fount, you are invited to have “Coffee with Pastor Glen” on Sunday morning, November 3rd at 9:00 AM in the Church Library (Office building). Come with your questions and Pastor Glen will try to answer...

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October 20th is Laity Sunday

Every year, we celebrate and lift up the ministry of all baptized Christians on Laity Sunday. This year we will be blessed to have our new Lay Leader-elect, Ted Smith, to share with us in sermon. Ted is in the process of becoming a Certified Lay Minister through our annual...

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Come Hear the Agape Youth Choir!

This Sunday, October 20th, the Agape Youth Choir, under the direction of our own Emanuela Arghir, will be leading us in worship! Emanuela has been directing this choir of 13-21 year olds since last spring. They sing in both English and Romanian! The choir will lead us in the contemporary...

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Plan Now to Attend: Nov. 9th

In a world that is increasingly hostile to the Truth revealed by God in His Word, we need to be Transformed more and more into the image of Jesus Christ. “Transformed” is the theme of this year’s Global Gathering of the Wesleyan Covenant Association, on Saturday, November 9th. The Fount...

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Jonah, Not Just for Children!

Pastor Glen will be starting a new sermon series on October 6th, titled “Jonah the Reluctant Prophet” based on the Old Testament book of the prophet Jonah. You are invited to come and study this rich book with your church family! Begin by reading through the Book of Jonah (it’s...

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New Sermon Series!

Pastor Glen, fresh off his sabbatical leave, will begin a new sermon series this Sunday, September 8th, titled “How To (Discipleship)”. This three-part series will cover three basic building blocks for growing disciples of Jesus. This Sunday, it is “Discipleship: How to Study the Bible” based on 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5....

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