Vicki Mulak’s Memorial Service

We will be celebrating the life of Vicki Lynn Mulak with a Memorial Service and Coffee Reception on Friday, January 24, 2020 at 2:00 PM. The service and reception will be at The Fount Church, 18225 Bushard Street, Fountain Valley. There will also be a viewing on Thursday, January 23rd,...

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This Sunday: January 19th

Come to worship this Sunday at The Fount. We are observing “Sanctity of Human Life Sunday” and Pastor Glen will have a sermon based in Psalm 139, called “Wonderfully Made.” Sanctity of Human Life is not just about abortions, although that is a big part. It is also about valuing...

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Lord, Make Me What You Will

It is a Methodist/Wesleyan tradition and we’ve renewed the tradition at The Fount to recommit our lives to following Jesus on the first Sunday of the New Year. Come to worship this Sunday, January 5, 2020, and engage your spirit in this moving service for the whole congregation. We’ll also...

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Bring Back the Yard Signs!

Thanks to those who put Christmas invitational yard signs in their yard, but we would like to have the signs back so that we can use them again in the future. So, please, bring your yard sign back to The Fount on Sunday or during the week. Happy New Year!

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Operation Christmas Child Update

We Sent our Boxes Packing! Church & Preschool: Thank you so much for the 38 Operation Christmas Child boxes we turned in!  Thanks to Karen Olson who started the process, thanks to Julie who handled the boxes in the office and thanks to Mary Erickson who helped with the delivery...

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It’s Tradition! Christmas Eve at The Fount

Join us on Christmas Eve, December 24th, at 7:00 PM for one of our favorite services of the year: Christmas Eve Candlelight! This special service is filled with carols, Scripture, a story for the children, a dramatic presentation of the Birth of Christ, a special Christmas anthem by our wonderful...

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Advent Daily Text Devotional

Advent is a season of preparation for Christmas, the festival of Incarnation, God with us, in the Person of Jesus of Bethlehem-birth. It is a season of mystery and miracle. What better time to double focus on the Gospel message of Emmanuel? If you’re looking for a good, biblical devotional...

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Messy Church Caroling: Dec. 13th

Messy Church will be going on the road again to sing Christmas carols and spread the joy of the birth of our savior with our neighbors at the mobile home park across the street. We will start at church with dinner and fellowship before we share our joyful voices. Everyone...

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Ladies Christmas Workshop & Luncheon

December 14th, noon to 2pm in the MPR Ladies of The Fount, mark your calendar for a fun afternoon of fellowship, creativity, and a light lunch. Everyone will leave with a beautiful (we promise) living succulent wreath. RSVP to Karen Wilson 714-907-7335 to be sure we purchase enough supplies. If...

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Advent in Isaiah; New Sermon Series

Beginning this Sunday, December 1st, and continuing all through Advent, Pastor Glen Haworth will be preaching from passages in the Book of Isaiah. We will be spending Advent in Isaiah! Isaiah, a book of the Old Testament, is full of Gospel imagery and prophecy. Some have called Isaiah the Gospel...

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