Ash Wednesday, February 17th

This year, since we can’t meet together in person inside, we are going to join with New Room (Seedbed) for an online experience of worship, speakers, and solemn repentance on Ash Wednesday, February 17th, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty, God is...

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Sign-up for Text Messages

The Fount sends out text messages updating the congregation on important events and connections from time to time. If you have been receiving text messages, we recently changes systems so that instead of the text message coming from a phone number, it will now come from a “short code”, namely...

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Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Sunday, January 17, 2021, was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday at The Fount and all over the nation. It is the Sunday in the year when we remind ourselves that God created each human being in His image, and there every human being is sacred, including those yet unborn. We...

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Letter of Appreciation from Uganda

Happy New Year FOUNT CHURCH! We greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and we thank the Lord for protecting you from COVID-19. We are your brethren from GRACE OF GOD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH in Iganga, Uganda. We came to know you through our Pastor AYUB MUGABI...

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COVID-19 Vaccine Available to Those 65+

The City of Fountain Valley sent out a notice that those 65 and over are now eligible for the first round of vaccines which will be distributed at the Disneyland Resort. Register for your appointment HERE and click on “first time user.”  As you can imagine, the site is experiencing high volumes of...

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Christmas Offering Blesses Many!

Because of your awesome generosity, Fount Family, we were able to give away $3000, the results of our Christmas Offering! We sent $1000 to each of the following missions/charities: Mercy House Horizon Pregnancy Center Second Harvest Food Bank These folks all provide help for struggling people in our area, including...

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Sticks and Stones

The events of yesterday, Wednesday, January 6th, will haunt us here in the United States for many, many years. The assault on our capital in Washington, D.C. was horrible to watch and struck at our hearts. We knew it was possible, but we really didn’t expect it to happen. This...

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Are You Ready to Take the Next Step?

The early Methodists gathered together in three different “meetings”. The Society Meeting was the general meeting of all members, much like our Sunday morning worship service. The Class Meeting was a smaller group of up to 12 people who gathered to hold one another accountable for growth and faithfulness, answering...

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New Sermon Series: Because of Who You Are

Pastor Glen will begin a new sermon series this Sunday, January 10th, titled “Because of Who You Are.” The series will focus on six of the names attributed to God in the Old Testament which describe Who He is: Jehovah-Jireh, The Lord our Provider (Genesis 22:12-14) 2. Jehovah-Nissi, The Lord...

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