Fountain Valley Prayer Summit: May 19-21

Pastor Glen will be speaking at the Saturday morning session (10:00 AM)! Come and join with your Christian neighbors to seek the Lord for the city and to be blessed and empowered! For more information, contact Coastal Community Fellowship at (714) 963-9708.

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WCA Prayer Guide for May

May: The Way to Holy Love By Kevin M. Watson In his scholarship, Kenneth J. Collins has summarized John Wesley’s theology as “holy love.” This is seen with particular clarity in his book The Theology of John Wesley: Holy Love and the Shape of Grace (Abingdon, 2007). A cursory reading...

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Autism Ministry Intro

When looking for churches in our local community with a ministry for youth with autism, we only found programs for young children. At age 13, youth with autism are turned away.  Radiate Possibility Autism Youth Program was created to fill the gap by serving ages 13 years old to adult.  We recruit...

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Mugabi Visit Postponed

The Ugandan pastor and his wife, Rev. Ayub Mugabi and Agnes, have had to postpone their visit to America because of a backlog of appointments for visas at the American consulate. Their appointments are scheduled for February of 2023! So we are pushing back their visit here to speak at...

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We’re Changing the Way We Do Communion

Now that the pandemic is in retreat, we will be transitioning into an interim, hybrid way of doing Communion at The Fount. Starting this Sunday, May 1st, we will offer communion in two forms. One form will be the self-contained elements that we have been using since the beginning of...

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The Fount Account – Creative Ministry

I’ve been sharing my thoughts coming out of the pandemic regarding how we need to think about moving forward in ministry. I gave an overview of those thoughts here, and then expanded on those thoughts here, here, and here.   This week, I want to expand on my final thought...

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Autism Awareness

We at The Fount are excited to soon be hosting an Autism ministry and would like to share this information that was sent to us by 211 Orange County: The Autism Society held the first National Autism Awareness month in April 1970. This month’s goal is to educate the public...

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The Fount Account – Online Ministries

A month ago, I posted a blog (here) that outlined some cogent points on ministry coming out of the pandemic. In that post, I suggested that (1) Everyone in the congregation should be in a Life Group (class meeting), and most should also be in a Discipleship Group (band meeting)....

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WCA Global Gathering

Once again this year, The Fount will play host to the live stream simulcast of the Wesleyan Covenant Association’s 2022 Global Gathering on Saturday, May 7th. The event will happen in Indianapolis, but you don’t have to travel to experience the speakers, worship, and information! Just come to The Fount...

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New Sermon Series!

Pastor Glen will begin a new, 5-part sermon series this coming Sunday, April 24th. The series is called “Who We Are in Christ” and will cover 5 essential identifying marks of all Jesus-followers. Here is an outline of the series: April 24th: “New Creation” 2 Corinthians 5:17 May 1st: “No...

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