Three Children to be Baptized

This Sunday, July 31st, we will be privileged to baptize three children of a family from out of the area, who’s family resides here. It is a way that we stand in for other churches and baptize so that families can come together for the event! So, while the families...

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Should Christians Sue Other Christians?

With the lawsuit in Florida brought by 106 United Methodist Churches against their bishop and annual conference, many people have asked, “Should Christians sue other Christians?” And the answer to that is “No”, but also “Maybe”. Paul counsels the Corinthian church: 1 Corinthians 6:1–8 (NRSV) 1 When any of you...

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What About Assisted Suicide?

A request was made by a member of The Fount to address the question of assisted suicide. What does the Bible have to say about it? And what does the church teach about it? First, the Bible never uses the word “suicide”, but there are many examples of people who...

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Online Worship Shifts to 10:00 AM

Starting This Sunday, July 17th… …we will be moving our online worship service from noon to 10:00 AM! We will be streaming live our in-person worship service, so those watching at home or away can enjoy the very same worship service that we all enjoy in-person! As in the past,...

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Reminder: Farewell for Shelly This Sunday!

Don’t forget! We are saying “Farewell” to Shelly Peters this Sunday, which will be her last Sunday with us as Accompanist. Join us for worship at 10:00 AM (as usual), and then plan to stay afterward. There will be a surprise in the Sanctuary following fellowship time around the gazebo...

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On this 4th of July, I want to pause a moment and reflect upon the uniqueness of America and why this 4th of July is so important. I do not believe that the greatest threat to America is of an enemy from without; rather, America’s most dangerous threat comes from...

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July: The Way to Spiritual Christianity

By David Watson It’s common today to hear people talk about the “secular West.” “Secular,” however, may not be the best term to describe our culture. We in the West tend to be religious people, though less frequently Christian than has been the case in the past. Apart from the...

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Choice v. Life

The recent Supreme Court decision that over-turned the controversial “Roe V. Wade” decision of the early 1970’s is stirring up quite the angst in our country right now. People who are for the option of abortion are outraged that “a right has been taken away” by the same court, albeit...

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Shelly Peters Is Leaving

As you know, Shelly lost her mom recently and she has felt the call from God to pay closer attention and to take care of her dad. This includes taking him to his church on Sunday morning! So she will be leaving us at The Fount, for a good cause!...

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