Ric Seaver

Ric grew up in the small town of Paso Robles on California’s Central Coast, where he attended Paso Robles United Methodist church into his late teens. In 2004 he moved to Orange County and after several years away from his faith, had a serious encounter with the living and active God. Working retail since age 17, Ric realized that he’d been living entirely for himself for most of his life and decided that following Jesus meant real sacrifice. In 2007 Ric decided that he would pursue a vocation of service to under served and disabled children in Santa Ana. That journey would eventually lead him back into Fountain Valley but this time in a position of Ministry. He married his wife Lety at The Fount in 2008 and his son Owen was born in 2012. Ric and Lety also have a daughter, Olivia, born in 2016 and another son, Osiah, born in 2019. Ric has been seeking what it means to raise up a child in the way he should go and how to disciple children in the home so that they might stand strong for Christ. His dream is that every parent would be seen as a “pastor” in their household and their neighborhood.