Pick-up a Hymnal as You Enter Sanctuary

If you would like to use a hymnal during worship, please pick one up as you enter the Sanctuary from the rolling book cart at the back. And then, as you leave, simply return your hymnal to the same cart. We are instituting this in order to make it easier...

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Awakening Hymn Sing

Because Palm Sunday falls on the second Sunday in April, and because we plan to have our “Palms Parade” again at the beginning of the service, we are moving the Awakening Hymn Sing this month only to April 28th (the fourth Sunday). Plan now to come and sing lustily your...

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Experience the Dark Before Dawn

Holy Week is all about walking with Jesus as He experiences the suffering handed out by humankind to the Holy Son of God. On Thursday of Holy Week, we observe the Last (Lord’s) Supper and Tenebrae (Service of Darkness). It is a dramatic service that drives us deeper into the...

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Lenten Sermon Series

Pastor Glen will begin a new Lenten sermon series this Sunday, March 10th, called “Listen to Him.” The six-week series will follow the narrative in the Gospel of Luke from Jesus’ Transfiguration to His Crucifixion. Here is the schedule of sermons: March 10:  “This is My Son” Luke 9:28-36 March...

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