Hymnals Available for Online Worship

If you don’t have a hymnal at home and would like one, we have a bunch in the Prayer Room at The Fount. If you have a key, come on down any time and pick one up from the book shelf in the Prayer Room (not the Sanctuary). If you...

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Attendance Jump by Nearly 10x!

Our first all-online worship experience at The Fount yielded phenomenal results! There were (as of this writing, because people can watch it even after it was aired live) 455 views and 475 people reached on the Facebook Live stream alone. An additional 4 households listened to the service via Zoom!...

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Join Us for Worship from the Comfort of Your Home!

We are planning on offering worship through the marvel of technology this Sunday and for the foreseeable future. This email will provide you with the information you need to log in either on a computer, cell phone or regular phone. The service will be live streamed on our Facebook page....

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These are Unprecedented Times

Dear Family of The Fount, We are in unprecedented times, to be sure. Never before in my lifetime has our civilization been so impacted so quickly and potentially for such a long period of time than now. Even “9/11” was impactful, to be sure, but things returned to relative normalcy...

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Service of Ashes

Join us on Wednesday, February 26th at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary for our Service of Ashes to mark the beginning of the season of Lent. Repentance of our sin and contemplation on our mortality are features of this annual service. It is a solemn time to take account and...

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This Sunday is Scout Sunday!

We will be celebrating our ministry with Scouts this Sunday, February 9th. It is the annual Scout Sunday, and we will welcome many of our Scouts and Cubs and their families. Every year we celebrate scouting because we are proud of our Scouting units. We have both boys and girls...

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Enjoy a Video of the Service

We all enjoyed having our sisters and brothers from the Vietnamese Evangelical Church of Fountain Valley (VECFV) join us in worship this past Sunday (1/26/20). The beauty and joyous celebration of Tet (Lunar New Year) was wonderful! You can view a video which the VECFV produced of the service by...

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It’s Tradition! Christmas Eve at The Fount

Join us on Christmas Eve, December 24th, at 7:00 PM for one of our favorite services of the year: Christmas Eve Candlelight! This special service is filled with carols, Scripture, a story for the children, a dramatic presentation of the Birth of Christ, a special Christmas anthem by our wonderful...

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October 20th is Laity Sunday

Every year, we celebrate and lift up the ministry of all baptized Christians on Laity Sunday. This year we will be blessed to have our new Lay Leader-elect, Ted Smith, to share with us in sermon. Ted is in the process of becoming a Certified Lay Minister through our annual...

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Come Hear the Agape Youth Choir!

This Sunday, October 20th, the Agape Youth Choir, under the direction of our own Emanuela Arghir, will be leading us in worship! Emanuela has been directing this choir of 13-21 year olds since last spring. They sing in both English and Romanian! The choir will lead us in the contemporary...

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