Who Is This Man?

Beginning this Sunday, Pastor Glen will be preaching a series of messages titled “Who Is This Man?” We celebrated His Resurrection on Easter, but Who is Jesus? Over the course of four Sundays, we’ll hear how Jesus is: “Sin-Forgiver” (Luke 5:17-26) “Wind-Controller” (Mark 4:35-41) “Curiosity-Inspirer” (Luke 9:7-9) “Crowd-Confuser” (Matthew 21:1-11)....

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Propel Women Activate Event

Several women of The Fount plan to attend the  Propel Women Activate event in Long Beach on August 25th.  Listed below is some information on the event.  If you are interested in attending, go online to register and contact the church office (ph:  714-962-2593, email:  office@thefount.church) as we will try and...

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Amazing Women Luncheon

Please join women of The Fount and their friends for a light luncheon to be held on August 18th at 1:30 pm in the sanctuary.   You are encouraged to not only come yourself but to invite a friend or two as well. Tickets are $10 per person.  If you are...

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La Cima Yard Sale

La Cima, the Spanish ministry that meets at The Fount, will be hosting a yard sale on The Fount’s front lawn on Saturday, July 28th.  Please see the details below. DATE:         July 28th TIME:         8:00  AM to 12:00 PM LOCATION: The Fount 18225 Bushard Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708  

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A Message From The Fount’s Lay Leader

Hello Friends! Since I recently took on the responsibilities of Lay Leader, I thought I’d “introduce” myself as I begin my newest role in service to each of you. I accepted Christ in my life at around the age of 10 (give or take a few years) while at church...

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Peace Officers Day

May 15th has been designated as Peace Officers Day.  We will be flying our flag at half staff that day to honor  those officers who have died or have been disabled in the line of duty.  

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The Men of the Fount Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

Mark Your Calendars “Busy” for Saturday, May 12, 2018, 8:00 am to 10:00 am The annual Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast to benefit United Methodist Men’s activities will be held again this year on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend (May 12, 2018) from 8:00 to 10:00 am. Tickets are available on Sunday mornings.  Thanks in advance for...

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Missions Spotlight – Julie Green

I am doing well.  I have finished chemo and radiation and I’m past the fatigue and drag that came with treatment.  So I’m back  working full time with SIL Int’l and Wycliffe Bible Translators.  Fortunately I  am working with a multicultural and virtual team that is spread from Hong Kong...

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Voting Day at The Fount

The Fount has once again been asked to be a polling place for the Statewide  Direct Primary Election on June 5, 2018 and the Statewide General Election on November 6, 2018. We need someone to schedule volunteers to man the hospitality tables we have provided in the past.  Volunteers will...

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