Plan Now to Attend: Nov. 9th

In a world that is increasingly hostile to the Truth revealed by God in His Word, we need to be Transformed more and more into the image of Jesus Christ. “Transformed” is the theme of this year’s Global Gathering of the Wesleyan Covenant Association, on Saturday, November 9th. The Fount...

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Faith Requires Action

We are blessed to have Theodore “Ted” Smith give the sermon this Sunday, July 21st, at 10:30am . Ted and his wife, Nina, recently joined The Fount, and Ted is working on his Certified Lay Minister certification. He works as an Associate City Attorney in Pasadena.

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Come Hear WCA Speaker

As a congregational member of the Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA), The Fount family is invited to come to Redlands during Annual Conference to hear the WCA speaker, Rev. Kenneth Levingston. He will be speaking at the Friday evening, June 14th, WCA Dinner and the Saturday morning, June 15th, WCA Breakfast....

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