Readers Needed for Maundy Thursday Service

As has become our tradition, we will once again observe Maundy (Holy) Thursday on March 28th at a 7:00 PM worship service. The Tenebrae Service has 16 readings that we usually have lay readers do. If you are interested and willing to be one of the readers, please contact Pastor...

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Join Us Maundy Thursday, March 18th

You are invited to worship on Maundy Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 PM in The Fount Sanctuary. We will retell the story of Jesus’ suffering and death through Scripture readings and a slowly darkening Sanctuary. The service is called “Tenebrae”, which means “darkness.” We will also observe the Last Supper...

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Maundy Thursday Service

We will gather this evening at 7:00 PM for a very moving service for Maundy Thursday. The service includes communion, remembering the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples in the Upper Room. And then we will experience a Service of Tenebrae (darkness), wherein the Passion (suffering) story of Jesus...

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