So Much for the “Big Tent” – The Fount Account

As you have undoubtedly heard, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church met last month and changed a great deal of the denomination’s teachings on social issues and further distanced itself from a traditional, Biblical understanding of the Christian faith. I would even go so far as to say...

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What is Deconstruction? – The Fount Account

You may have heard of people “deconstructing” their Christian faith and wondered what it was. Perhaps a son or daughter, or a grandchild has announced that they are deconstructing their faith or have already done it. What does that mean? Essentially, “deconstruction” in the context of one’s faith means that...

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Is Cremation Allowed? (The Fount Account)

One of the topics requested by members of the congregation a few weeks ago was, “Is cremation after death allowed by the Methodist church?” The short answer is, Yes. But let me flesh that out a bit. The question stems from the Roman Catholic teaching that cremation is not allowed,...

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