The Haworths To Go On Vacation

For a week in April (18-24), Pastor Glen and Cyndy Haworth will be going to Texas to visit their daughter and grandkids (Liam is turning three!) and to spend time with friends.  On that Sunday, April 22nd, our guest preacher will be Ken Nehrbass!  So no playing hooky while the...

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Holy Communion at The Fount in March

It is our practice to celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month, but in March we will be switching to the second Sunday.  Pastor Glen will be away on vacation and Beth Silvers will be preaching on March 4th, so we will celebrate Communion on Sunday, March...

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Advent Sermon Series

Pastor Glen will launch a sermon series entitled “What Child is This?” on December 3rd to begin the Advent season.  This series will prepare the congregation for Christmas and is based on a series of videos featuring major players in the Christmas story.  

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I Have a Confession

I had all the right intentions to preach a series of sermons on worship during the month of August. God has been dealing with me for quite a while that I needed to get into the subject of worship for The Fount and flesh out some of the biblical concepts...

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Signs of the Times Sermon Series

Pastor Glen will be starting a four-part sermon series on August 6th called “Signs of the Times.” No, it isn’t about the Second Coming! It is about some very important things about Christian discipleship (following Jesus), using road signs as the launching pad. He will unpack such things as One...

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Pentecost Sunday – June 4th

Pentecost Sunday is June 4th!  Remember to wear RED to church that day to help celebrate the day the Holy Spirit descended on the Church.  Pastor Glen will be bringing a message about the change in Simon Peter’s life from Maundy Thursday to Pentecost.  How has the Holy Spirit changed...

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New Sermon Series on the Lord’s Prayer

After Easter, Pastor Glen will be giving a series of sermons based on the Lord’s Prayer (from Matthew 6 and Luke 11).  The series, titled “Our Father”, will begin on April 23rd and conclude on May 28th. Is the Lord’s Prayer a pattern for prayer, given by Jesus, for the...

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Christmas Day Service

This year, Christmas Day falls on Sunday!  Since it is such a special day, our worship service on Christmas Day will be a little different.   First off, there will be no Sunday School during the service, so children are invited to join their families in worship. Second, we will form...

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Advent Sermon Series

Pastor Glen will be giving a series of messages during Advent, using the Lectionary readings from Isaiah.  The series is titled “Advent Hope” and will focus on four areas of our hope:  Peace (November 27, Isaiah 2:1-5), Righteousness (Dec 4, Isaiah 11:1-10),  Joy (Dec 11, Isaiah 35:1-10),  and God-With-Us (Dec...

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