Haworths on Vacation
A reminder, Pastor Glen and Cyndy will be on vacation starting May 28th, returning late on June 3rd. Sonia Perez will be our guest speaker on Sunday, June 3rd.
A reminder, Pastor Glen and Cyndy will be on vacation starting May 28th, returning late on June 3rd. Sonia Perez will be our guest speaker on Sunday, June 3rd.
The Rev. Dr. John Farley, District Superintendent of our South District, was scheduled to be “in residence” at The Fount on Monday, May 20th. He has had to cancel his visit because he will be meeting with pastors in transition to new appointments. As always, however, Rev. Farley would be happy...
Just so you know that pastors are not immune from civic responsibilities, Pastor Glen has been summoned for possible jury service between May 7th and 18th. If he is required to report, he will not be in the office or available until after court lets out. Call the church office before...
I cannot tell you how many times people have started out with those words (“I remember when…”) to tell me about the history of this church and its many remarkable people and programs over the years! It usually centers around the numbers of people involved in the church, and the...
This is a new study concerning the future of The United Methodist Church. This seven-week study, featuring various leaders in the evangelical tradition of the UMC, will discuss important topics as the denomination faces possible division and certainly reorganization. Below is a list of topics and speakers to be included...
For a week in April (18-24), Pastor Glen and Cyndy Haworth will be going to Texas to visit their daughter and grandkids (Liam is turning three!) and to spend time with friends. On that Sunday, April 22nd, our guest preacher will be Ken Nehrbass! So no playing hooky while the...
Here’s a question for all of us: How are you living out the mission of “making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world?” What does that look like for you? What is YOUR vision for living out this mission of our church? For some, it may be...
If you aren’t taken there automatically, please click on the link below to access The Fount’s April 2018 Newsletter – The Source The Source Newsletter April 2018
Make plans now to be in church on Easter Sunday, April 1st. Easter is the day we celebrate the most important event in the world’s history: the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! There is no more important day for Christians! Pastor Glen will preach a sermon titled “This is the Day...
The Fount will host the first public event for the new California-Pacific Wesleyan Covenant Association chapter on March 10th from 10:30 to 3:00. The main speaker for the event will be Rev. Madeline Carrasco Henners. Madeline is a United Methodist Elder, and she has served as a pastor in the Rio Texas...