The Big God Story Recap

This year’s joint VBS was a huge success!  It was such a blessing to me to see the youth and adults from all three of the congregations on our campus work together to do something none of our churches could have done alone.  We expected around 30 kids but had...

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Amazing Women Luncheon

Please join women of The Fount and their friends for a light luncheon to be held on August 18th at 1:30 pm in the sanctuary.   You are encouraged to not only come yourself but to invite a friend or two as well. Tickets are $10 per person.  If you are...

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Maundy Thursday Service

On Thursday, March 29th, come and experience a very special service of Holy Communion and Tenebrae (darkness).  Marking the events of Holy Thursday (also known as Maundy Thursday, Maundy is from the Latin referring to Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet) when Jesus and His disciples experienced the Last Supper...

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Preschool News

They Preschool Board is pleased to announce the preschool will  is changing its name to Preschool at The Fount to coincide with the name change of the church.  A new logo is in the process of being designed. Listed below are some of the scheduled activities in March at the preschool:...

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Hymn Sing at The Fount

At the meeting of the Nurture Team on January 21st, it was decided to alter the “Awakening Hymn Sing” in order to provide a more impacting experience and to encourage more participation. Starting in February, we will invite people to submit hymn requests using the slips that will be inserted...

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Messy Caroling

Few things bring up the joyful feelings of Christmas like having a group caroling at your house.  This lost tradition is one we’re happy to keep alive at The Fount.  The folks at Rancho La Siesta appreciated the joyful noise we brought to them as we told them the good...

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FVUM Preschool Christmas Sing!

On December 12th and 13th the children will present their Christmas Sing at 9:15 am in the Sanctuary.  Family members, friends, neighbors, and all are invited to come see and hear the children sing traditional Christmas songs and some fun holiday tunes as well.  This is truly a wonderful and...

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Messy Church Kick Off!

Messy Church will resume on September 15th!  Make sure it’s on your calendar and come and have some fun,  enjoy a new way of learning about Jesus and the Bible and hopefully make a new friend! If you are interested in assisting with this great program,  please attend the team...

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Now Recruiting for The Fount Singers!

The Fount’s choir ministry, The Fount Singers, is looking to add to our ranks all who want to lift their voice in praise—beyond our time of communal worship!  You do NOT need to have vocal training or even think of yourself as a “singer,” You must just have a desire...

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Preschool Spring Sing!

Hippity Hoppity Easter’s on its way!  The preschool children are getting ready for their annual Spring Sing on April 12th and 13th.  Please come and watch them perform and enjoy hearing the children sing.  The  program will begin at 9:15 AM and should end around 9:45 AM.

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