Operation Christmas Child Update

We Sent our Boxes Packing! Church & Preschool: Thank you so much for the 38 Operation Christmas Child boxes we turned in!  Thanks to Karen Olson who started the process, thanks to Julie who handled the boxes in the office and thanks to Mary Erickson who helped with the delivery...

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Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

It’s time to pack your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes!  Collection week is November 18-25, the week before Thanksgiving.  Stop by the office if you need a box or a copy of the “How to Pack a Shoebox” brochure or go to samaritanspurse.org/occ  for more information.  If you fill out your...

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Cub Scout Food Drive July 21st

Bring donations to church this Sunday for the annual scout food drive.  Donations can be left in the narthex, on your way in to the service and will benefit local children during summer break. What’s Needed: 15 oz. cans of beans, diced tomatoes, & chicken broth Canned Chicken 14 oz....

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News from Nepal

Here is the latest update from our UMC General Board of Global Ministries missionaries, Lester & Debbie Dornon: Dornan March 2019 Newsletter They also shared a newsletter from the hospital where they serve: United Mission Hospital Tansen Newsletter  

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Mission Report Sunday, May 5th

This Sunday, May 5th, Caitlin Oden will give her report on the recent mission trip to Kenya that many in our church supported and contributed to. Her report will consist of commentary about the trip along with pictures. So come this Sunday to church to hear Catie’s mission report from...

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Send Help to Victims of Recent Wild Fires

You can help the victims of the recent and current wild fires in California by sending or bringing a check to The Fount, marking it “Wild Fires” or by going online and designating your gift for “Domestic Disaster Relief – UMCOR.” All of the funds you give will go directly...

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God Ministers in Nepal!

On Wednesday night, November 7th, a wonderful presentation was given to several members of The Fount family on the mission of God in Nepal. Our missionaries there, Dr. Lester and Debbie Dornon, shared how their work in the Mission Hospital in Tensen offers healing and hope in the name of...

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