No Live Stream This Week

Our two services during Holy Week, Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday, will NOT be live streamed. Worshippers will need to attend in-person. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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Readers Needed for Maundy Thursday Service

As has become our tradition, we will once again observe Maundy (Holy) Thursday on March 28th at a 7:00 PM worship service. The Tenebrae Service has 16 readings that we usually have lay readers do. If you are interested and willing to be one of the readers, please contact Pastor...

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Join Us Maundy Thursday, March 18th

You are invited to worship on Maundy Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 PM in The Fount Sanctuary. We will retell the story of Jesus’ suffering and death through Scripture readings and a slowly darkening Sanctuary. The service is called “Tenebrae”, which means “darkness.” We will also observe the Last Supper...

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Maundy Thursday Service

We will gather this evening at 7:00 PM for a very moving service for Maundy Thursday. The service includes communion, remembering the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples in the Upper Room. And then we will experience a Service of Tenebrae (darkness), wherein the Passion (suffering) story of Jesus...

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Watch the Communion/Tenebrae Service

If you missed our Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Communion and Tenebrae (Darkness), or if you just want to relive it (it was a wonderful service!), you can! It will premier this evening, Good Friday, April 15th, at 7:00 PM (PDT) on Facebook Live and will also be posted at...

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Maundy Thursday Service, April 14, 7:00 PM

Holy Week is nearly upon us! Beginning with Palm Sunday, Holy Week is the pivotal week in the year for Christians as we remember and rehearse Jesus’ suffering which leads to our redemption. Maundy Thursday recalls the Last Supper with the disciples. In addition to the Last Supper, we will...

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Maundy Thursday Service

On Thursday, April 1, 2021, we will observe Maundy Thursday with a special in-person worship service in our Sanctuary at The Fount. The service will begin at 7:30 pm (note the time). As in the past, our Maundy Thursday service will be a combination of Holy Communion (Last Supper) and...

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Thoughtful Thursday: Why is Maundy Thursday Significant?

Because Good Friday is such an important day in Holy Week, we often forget how significant the day before Christ’s crucifixion was. ~It’s on this day that Judas betrayed Jesus. ~It’s on this day that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as an example for them to be servants...

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Readers Needed for Maundy Thursday Service

This year we will once again have a Maundy Thursday service in-person in the Sanctuary on Thursday, April 1st, at 7:30 pm. The service will be a combination Last Supper and Tenebrae service. Tenebrae means “darkness” and the service is marked by a series of readings, hymns/songs, and progressive darkness...

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